
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Proverbs 2 - Seeking Wisdom

LINK: Proverbs 2 


The first nine chapters of Proverbs extol the value of wisdom. In Proverbs 2, we see the moral value of wisdom. I see it divided up into three parts:

1) How to attain wisdom

The structure of this part of the chapter is all about the verbs contained in it: receive, treasure, make, incline, cry, lift your voice, seek, and search. They require action on our part. There is something intentional (write that word on my tombstone) about wisdom. It does not just come to us by osmosis or passivity. We must intentionally pursue it with all our hearts.

Wisdom requires that we seek out and take in all that God has for us. It requires that we are open to listening and learning and applying what we have learned in the practical day-to-day grind of life.

The Lord is the ultimate source of all wisdom, and the more we seek Him, the more we will be like Him and He is wisdom.

2) The moral benefits of wisdom

Proverbs 2:7-10 tells us about the moral benefits of wisdom. Wisdom keeps us from evil. Wisdom does not just involve intellectual attainment, but it also involves living a moral life of walking in integrity.

3) The benefit of wisdom when it comes to choosing companions

God wants us to walk in integrity and into the "path of good men" and not walk with the "way of perverse men."


As I meditated today, I thought of the verse in Psalm 119:11: "Your Word I have treasured in my heart that I might not sin against You." Wisdom starts with treasuring His Word! It is our most reliable source for knowing God: the source of all wisdom! 

I find meditating and even memorizing God's Word to be such a valuable means of "treasuring." I will make a shameless plug for memorizing the Topical Memory System. I continually go back to these verses I "hid in my heart" very early on in this journey of faith. It is a great thing to do with a partner too, perhaps the person you are discipling or the person who is discipling you!

It does not just stop with treasuring, but it involves living it out. That is the part that can sometimes be so very difficult! That is also where having a partner is a wonderful thing as you hold each other accountable to live out the Word!

One area where I did not "live it out" was concerning the last part of this Proverb. I was not wise about my choice of friends and partners. When I first started growing in the Lord, I had one friend who constantly brought me down. I could not give that friend up though. I was too "loyal," but there were situations I would get in with that person where I would wonder how I got there! They were not good. I have continually seen it as a pattern in my life that God has been changing over time.

I used to be just plain naive about some people because I turned my discernment "off". I honestly wanted to believe the best of the person even though there was mounting evidence that gave indications about their true character. There was something in my "gut" that told me early on that I should not continue going along that person's "way," but sometimes I just did not know how to get back out once I went down the path with the person. It always ended in a bad way though when I realized that I could not bend in compromise anymore. Turning back was tough! Now, I try to discern before I even start walking with a person like that. 

It may sound harsh, but I have become very particular about who I "walk with." This does not mean that I do not associate with all types of people and love them. I also do not expect people to be perfect, but when it comes to walking along with someone in a closer association of deep friendship or ministry partnership, I will not compromise when it comes to the integrity of my companion. It has been a lesson that I have had to learn in a very painful way too. The key is really asking God about wisdom in all my relationships. I think sometimes we pursue friendships and relationships without really listening to the Lord.

Thankfully, after many mistakes in the past, God has allowed me to "walk in the way of good men [and women]" in my friendships and partnerships. I am surrounded by people of great integrity that I thank God for every day. I continue to want to pray that He will guard me on the right path!


The most effective way that I know for becoming wise is daily meditation, study, and prayer in God's Word in addition to daily application of what I am learning. I have already mentioned one way is the Topical Memory System.

Here is a list with links to the verses and a "mini-sermon" by LeRoy Eims. (I had breakfast with him once. So, it is special to hear his voice.)

Maybe you can have some "Treasuring Teas" with someone and treasure God's Word together by sharing what you are "hiding in your heart."

Evaluate your relationships in light of the reflection above. Are you being discerning about whom you are spending deeper time with in friendship and partnership?


Lord, we want to seek You and treasure Your Word which teaches us about You. I praise You God for Your wisdom! Teach us to be wise stewards of our lives and relationships. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.


  1. Wisdom, understanding, discern, knowledge. I looked up these words (in Hebrew) and found an interesting common thread. "Intelligence" is used to describe all of them. "Reason" is a part of understanding, "pay attention to" and "be sensible" are listed for discern, "experience" describes wisdom, and "cunning" is a part of knowledge (this is a knowledge gained through the senses).

    So as you said, Carol, this is an active pursuit. It comes as we pay attention to everything around us, and use the brain God gave us! Think through what we see and hear and experience, instead of just reacting. And if the wisdom we think we are gaining does not lead to reverence for God, then we are on the wrong path.

    Discretion is thought, plan, plot, purpose--more active words. Intentional. :-)

    Sound wisdom (verse 7) is interesting. It is help, aid, support, salvation (along with insight). It's the same word used for "deliverance" in Job 6:13--" it that help is not within me and that deliverance is driven from me?" It seems Job is saying no matter what happens, he has not denied the words of the Holy One. Even though he can't see a reason for enduring, he won't deny God (and would appreciate a little help from his friends!). I'm having a hard time putting into words what he may be saying seems to him that everything he thought he knew about God (the help and deliverance within him) has departed.

    As we consider and learn from all that goes into the making of our life, it grows "sound wisdom" in us, which is a help and support when things get rough. And even when it seems nothing we "know" provides and answer, we've also grown a fear of and reverence for God that can't be shaken. I saw that when my world turned upside down several years ago. None of the "wisdom" I'd gained through the years changed the situation, but even as lots of the "trappings" of my spiritual life fell away for a time, the core relationship with God was solid. I could have used a lot more wisdom than I had, but had been far enough on the journey with Him that the deep reverence wasn't shaken.

    I'm not sure this makes sense to anyone but me, and I'm sorry it got so long. I had a good time with these words this morning. There is a lot there!

    It's nice to know that intelligence and using our senses and being reasonable is encouraged. God gave us these things to lead us to a deeper reverence for Him!

  2. This may be another thing to be careful when asking for! (You know...when we pray for patience, God graciously allows trying circumstances so we can practice patience.) The Bible tells us God gives us wisdom when we ask, but it probably won't be a magic infusion of great insight! It will probably be situations that give the opportunity to develop wisdom!!

  3. Love your word studies Laura! I love to look things up and then paraphrase again.

    This is so profound: "If the wisdom we think we are gaining does not lead to reverence for God, then we are on the wrong path." AMEN!

    Please don't apologize for how long it got. I loved it! I hope others read it. In fact, I would love for you to do a main post on the blog for the next Proverb! :)

  4. Deep friendship with like-hearted people who are intentional about a relationship with God has been a major turning point in my life in the last 15 years. I used to compromise in this area so often.


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