
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Inaugural Bible Book Club!

Inaugural Bible Book Club!, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.

What a great group of ladies (and George) for our first Bible Book Club! We had a great time with rich discussion and wish you all could have all been there. How nice to just talk about the Bible!

From Left to Right: Laura on the North end of town, Me, Jan on the north end, Anna downtown, Cathi from Around the World


  1. Fun! I thought of you often yesterday! Wish I could have been there, too. Thanks for posting this.

  2. You lucky ducks. (Hey, did I just make an Oregon pun? :-)) Too bad Illinois is just too far away for a monthly trip out west--I'd love to be there.

  3. I wish I could have joined you too. John just got back from Oklahoma/Texas and was home barely 5 minutes before he had to take off to coach basketball across town.


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