
Friday, March 14, 2008

Exodus 26 & 27 Tomorrow

READING: Exodus 26

The Bad News: My whole family has been sick since Sunday.

The Good News: I am 90% cured, and the rest of them are at about 70%.

The Bad News: I want to get a good rest for the extra 10-30% because we have a field trip tomorrow.

So, I will go ahead and post both Exodus 26 & 27 tomorrow.

Have a great Friday and keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you and your family are feeling 100% tomorrow for the field trip!

    Each time I read the passages on the instructions for building the tabernacle, I'm taken aback by the details that God gave them. Nothing carelessly thrown together there. There were exact instructions that were to be followed precisely.

    Another thought: it must have been beautiful! Imagining the detailed work and the colors used, I know it was a place of beauty. And it didn't have to be; it could have been utilitarian. (At least it's conceivable that it could have been that way - obviously it "couldn't" have been because God gave instructions otherwise. Interesting that God wanted them to make His dwelling with them beautiful.

    Well, those are my convoluted thoughts this morning!


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