
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Numbers 10 - Blow the Trumpets and Move On to the Promised Land!

LINK: Numbers 10


All the regulations for tabernacle worship have been given. It was time to move! Their first major destination on the road to the Promised Land was the Desert of Paran that is believed to be southwest of Palestine. You may remember that this is the home of the family of Ishmael (Genesis 21:21).

No REFLECTION and APPLICATION today. You might be behind, and I wanted to give you time to catch up! Keep reading!


Pray for the "family of Ishmael" (Muslims) today.

Lord, help us to listen for Your call and make us willing to move when and where You want us to move. Bless the Muslim world with Your peace. We pray for the peace of Palestine and a solution to the problems in this region. Amen.


  1. No deep comment here, just that it hit me how organized the Israelites were in moving. The first division included the Gershonites and Merarites, who were responsible for the tabernacle itself and they set up the tabernacle before the holy things that went inside it arrived at the new camp with the Kohathites in the second division. It also made me realize how much time it took them to travel and how strung out they must have been on the land.

  2. Praying for the 1.8 BILLION Muslims in the world is still very much on my heart today as it was 15 years ago.

    I also like how organized he was. I bet it was hard to have to be so mobile. I thought of that when I was reading it!


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