(read this over the next two days)
Numbers 17 - Aaron's priesthood was confirmed by the budding rod. This was a miraculous confirmation after the challenge in Numbers 16.
Numbers 18 - The primary duties of the priests and Levites were reiterated. The Lord was their inheritance. Therefore, they would receive no allotment from Joshua when they entered the Promised Land. They would receive tithes from the people as their source of income.
Numbers 19 - Contact with a dead person was a special defilement. The Red Heifer was a special sacrifice for such a defilement.
I liked this convicting reflection from The Daily Walk (February 2008):
Imagine for a moment that God has told you that you will no longer be permitted to hold down a paying job or own property. Instead, you are to spend your full time in His service, and your compensation will be whatever your countrymen give to the Lord. Would that comfort you or concern you?
According to 18:20-21, those were basically God's instructions to Aaron and his descendants. Your local church today is in many ways a faith ministry like the priesthood of Aaron. You, like the Israelites, have been commanded to support the work of the Lord so God can be magnified in your community. Which word best describes your giving habits to your church: a comfort or a concern to those ministering to you? Now read Acts 20:35 and enjoy a blessing this week.APPLICATION
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
(Acts 20:35)
(Acts 20:35)
Lord, help us to remember our local church and give to the work of the ministry there by our prayers and our giving. Bless our pastors today and thank You for their service. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.
I love to give. I don't know if giving is a gift, but I love giving my time, talents, and abilities to the Lord! I would like to be better at keeping track of our financial giving though. Now that I have met the goal of paying for all my initial expenses as a spiritual director, I can give the remainder to what the Lord is doing around the world. That is exciting for me!