Chapter Titles
1: What God Has Already Done
2: God's Faithfulness in the "Trudging"
3: Review of Conquests East of the Jordan/Reminder that Moses Would Not Enter the Land
4: So That You May Live
5: Review of the Ten Commandments
6: Wholehearted Love for the LORD
7-8: Destroy the Canaanites and Remember From Whence You Came
9: "You Have Been Rebellious Since the Day I Knew You"
11-12: Circumcise Your Deceitful Hearts and Walk in the Ways of Your Mighty God
13-14: Just Say No to Idols and Unclean Animals
15: Generosity
16: The Three Big Feasts and Impartiality of Judges
17: Qualifications of a King
18: The Portion for the Levites and Prohibition of Occult Practices
19: Cities of Refuge and Purging the Evil from Among You
20: On Fear and Faith and Holy War
21: Holiness in the Home
22: God's Plan for Protection
23: Exclusion for the Assembly, Uncleanness in the Camp, and Miscellaneous Laws
24: More Miscellaneous Laws (One about Divorce and Remarriage)
25: More Miscellaneous Laws
26: First Fruits and Tithe Ceremony
27: Consequences of Obedience and Disobedience
28: Blessings and Cursings
29: Summary of the Covenant Demands: Choose Life!
30: Circumcision of the Heart
31: Moses' Final Words: Be Strong and Courageous and Read the Word
32: "Not an Idle Word for You"
33: Moses Blesses
34: Moses Dies
Woohoo! The Pentateuch (Tawrat) is done!