
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Joshua Chapter TItles

1: Be Strong and Courageous
2: Rahab and the Spies
3-4: Consecration, Crossing, and Memorial Stones
5: Circumcision at Gilgal
6: The Fall of Jericho
7: Defeat at Ai Because of the Sin of Achan
8: The Conquest of Ai God's Way
9: The Deceitful Gibeonites
10: Battle with Five Kings
11: The Northern Victories
12: Summaries of Campaigns
13: Distribution of the Land
14: Caleb Who Followed the Lord Fully
15: Allotment for Judah
16-17: Allotment for the Joseph Tribes
18-19: Allotment for the Remaining Tribes
20: Cities of Refuge
21: Cities for the Levites
22: The Witness Altar
23: Cling to the LORD your God
24: Joshua's Final Charge to the People

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