
Thursday, August 28, 2008

1 Samuel 12 -- Samuel's Farewell Address

LINK: 1 Samuel 12

The people of Israel have insisted that they get a king, so this chapter is a farewell address of sorts from Samuel. He will continue as a prophet and priest in Israel, but he is relinquishing to Saul his role of leadership over the tribes.

In this address, he reminded the people of his honesty and integrity as he served the Lord as leader of Israel (vs. 1-5). He recounted God's righteous dealings with Israel over the years (vs. 6-12). He presented them with their king (vs. 13). He admonished them to fear the Lord and serve him (vs. 14-15). He asked God to show them a sign (vs. 16-18), and the people were greatly afraid when God did (vs. 19). Samuel assured them that God will not abandon them as long as they fear and serve the Lord, but destruction will come if they don't (vs. 20-25).

In verse 20, Samuel said, "Do not fear. You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart." Even though I sin and mess things up, God gives second chances. The key is what is in my heart. If I come to him in humility and confess my sin, he forgives me. And he can even take the situation I've created with my sin and use it for his glory! Isn't God amazing!!!

One verse jumped out at me for application in this chapter. In verse 23, Samuel said, ". . . far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you in the good and right way." As a priest, it was Samuel's responsibility to pray for the people of Israel. He would continue in this role and will keep praying for Israel. He will also continue his role as prophet, giving instruction from God. In the New Testament epistles, Paul frequently tells his readers that he is praying for them and often tells them specifically why he thanks God for them and what he is praying that God will do in and through them. Paul also asks his readers to pray for him with specific requests. As a believer, it is my responsibility to pray for others, but this kind of intercessory prayer is often lacking in my own life. So, I am convicted here to be praying more specifically for others and to tell them that I am praying for them, as well as to be more willing to ask others to pray for me.

Lord, you are the source of our strength and the one who can bring change in our hearts and lives. Help me to be more humble and ask for prayer and to pray for others more consistently. You have so graciously given me access to you through prayer; let me boldly approach your throne of grace to make requests to you. Amen

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