
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Psalm 52 - David's Response to the Slaying of the Priests of Nob

LINK: Psalm 52


This Psalm is based on the events in 1 Samuel 22.

In this Psalm, David addresses the "evil man." Most scholars believe it was directed straight at Doeg, whose tongue led to the destruction of the priests.

Generally, this Psalm describes the wicked (52:1-7) and the righteous (52:8-9). What are the characteristics of both?
The "mighty man" (wicked) . . . 
  • boasts in evil 
  • tongue is destruction 
  • is deceitful 
  • loves evil more than good 
  • loves falsehood more than speaking what is right 
  • loves all words that devour 
  • would not make God his refuge 
  • trusts in his riches 
  • was strong in his evil desire 
David (righteous) . . . 
  • is like a green olive tree in the house of God 
  • trusts in the lovingkindness of the Lord forever and ever 
  • will give thanks to God because He has done it 
  • will wait on God's name 
David could say this because he knew that God would do this to the wicked . . . 
  • break him down forever 
  • snatch him up and tear him away from his tent 
  • uproot him from the land of the living


What amazes me about David's words were the circumstances in which he wrote them. He was on the run, hiding in caves! Yet, he could rely on His God to take care of the evil around him. He responded by trusting in, waiting on, and thanking the LORD in the face of unspeakable horror because he knew that God would repay according to His own timetable.

As you have read in previous posts this last week, I have not encountered a destructive tongue that eventually led to murder, but I have encountered a destructive, lying, biting tongue on more than one occasion, and it is not fun! It led to much heartache, but it has also led to much refining and maturing!  It is hard to sort through your feelings in those kinds of situations, and I cannot say that I always have had the quick response that David had, but I know that God wants me to trust in, wait on, thank, and leave the outcome to HIM!


Can you trust in, wait on, and thank the LORD in the face of evil or a destructive tongue? Dialogue with God about that now.


Lord, I pray that we would all become "green olive trees in your house" one step at a time. Help us to grow strong by trusting in your lovingkindness today, no matter what our circumstances look like. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I am so much better able to discern truth and lies now, and the lies of these kinds of people really don't affect me like they did 15 years ago. That is growth!


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