
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Job 38 - God Speaks

LINK: Job 38

by Katrina

God has arrived on the scene! He speaks to Job out of a whirlwind (rather intimidating, I think), and asks him a series of rhetorical questions. Here's my summarized paraphrase --
  • Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth!
  • Who set the boundaries for the sea?
  • Have you ever commanded the sun to rise?
  • Have you seen the depths of the sea or the earth?
  • Do you know the way to the dwelling of light and darkness?
  • Have you seen the storehouses of snow and hail?
  • Can you cause a flood or a thunderstorm?
  • Do you control the stars and constellations?
  • Can you command the rain to come down?
  • Do you provide food for the wild animals?
Obviously, all of these things are only within God's power to do. Job cannot understand or do any of them, and neither can we.

There's nothing like a large dose of God's majesty and power to make us aware of our insignificance and powerlessness. Reflect on the things that God does, listed in this chapter, and allow yourself to be humbled by it.

Praise God for his great power and majesty today.

Lord, you are the one true God, creator of the universe in which we live. You are far above what our minds can think! You can do far more than we can even imagine! You are sovereign over all that happens everywhere through all of time. We praise you for who you are. Amen.

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