This section of Song of Solomon covers the wedding. Marriages in the Near East were usually only civil contracts and not religious ceremonies. For example, the marriage of Ruth and Boaz was before a court of elders and not before priests. (Ruth 4:10-11). Weddings did not take place in the temple but in homes.
Song of Solomon 3:6-11 covers Solomon's procession to the bride's house with his royal bodyguard, and 4:1-5:1 covers the wedding night when Solomon extolled the bride's beauty. This is interesting in light of the fact that the daughters of Jerusalem did not seem to regard her as a beautiful woman because her skin was dark. Fair-skin was a sign of beauty in the ancient world. In Solomon's eyes, she was beautiful, and it did not matter what the standard of beauty was in that society. She was beautiful simply because he loved her. (Husbands take note!)
The Bible Knowledge Commentary has an interesting comment about 4:1-7:
These verses include one reference to the first person (“I” in v. 6). His total attention was focused on his bride and her beauty. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that sex, when enjoyed properly within marriage, draws attention from oneself to one’s mate, to his or her needs and pleasures. (1:1018)REFLECTION from Union and Communion
J. Hudson Taylor continues by looking at the Song of Solomon from the perspective of Christ being our Royal Bridegroom. He gives a picture of unbroken communion and being one with the King that leads to fellowship with Him in service. It is so important. I hope you can take the time to read it. It is the bedrock of the foundation for ministry:
Taylor says, "She [the bride] swells with delight on the gladness of His heart in the day of His espousals, for now she is not occupied with Him for her own sake, but rejoices in His joy in finding in her His satisfaction."
Then, he asks some great application questions:
Do we sufficiently cultivate this unselfish desire to be all for Jesus, and to do all for His pleasure? Or are we conscious that we principally go to Him for our own sake, or at best for the sake of our fellow-creatures? How much prayer there is that begins and ends with the creature, forgetful of the privilege of giving joy to the Creator!Don't you love that!
My application of the Song of Solomon is to give joy to my Creator today! How about you?
"There is no room for love of the world here,
for union with Christ has filled the heart"
Lord, lead us to unselfish passion for You! For Your pleasure and glory, we pray. Amen.
This hit me from Union and Communion:
ReplyDelete"Separation never comes from His side. He is always ready for communion with a prepared heart, and in this happy communion the bride becomes ever fairer, and more like to her LORD. She is being progressively changed into His image, from one degree of glory to another, through the wondrous working of the HOLY SPIRIT, until the Bridegroom can declare:--
Thou art all fair, My love;
And there is no spot on thee.
And now she is fit for service, and to it the Bridegroom woos her; she will not now misrepresent Him:--
Come with Me from Lebanon, My bride,
With Me from Lebanon;
Look from the top of Amana,
From the top of Senir and Hermon,
From the lions' dens,
From the mountains of the leopards."