
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Song of Solomon 6:11-8:4: Fruits of Recognized Union

LINK: Song of Solomon 6-8


The couple is reconciled and their love is flourishing like a fruitful spring orchard.

Song of Solomon 6:12 can be confusing. The best translation would be, “I became enraptured, for you placed me on the chariots of the people of the prince" (The Bible Knowledge Commentary 1:1022). In other words, she was full of joy because of his words of praise. The people begged this Shulammite to stay. The Hebrew word "Shulammite" is the feminine form of the name Solomon! It speaks to me of their oneness!

Throughout the rest of this section, we see the maturing of the couple's marriage with bolder images that express an increase in sexual freedom that is healthy for any marriage. In 7:1-10, the husband takes the initiative in lovemaking. In 7:11-13, the woman does. They have a healthy and intimate union.

The image of spring is used at the beginning and end of this section. It is the universal symbol of love. We see that their union has developed into fruitful mature love.

REFLECTION from Union and Communion



Enjoy abiding and unbroken communion with your bridegroom, Christ, as you meditate on John 15 today!


Lord, we want unbroken communion. Help us to abide in You 24/7/365. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. 24/7/365 Union and Communion is still my passion and perfect for today. I have something from 9-11, need to prepare to lead something from 12-1, consulting for a church from 1-2:30. I do have a break after that, and then I have something from 6-7:15! Full day but plugged in. This was all a very good reminder!


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