
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Proverbs 26 - Negative Relationships

LINK: Proverbs 26

Proverbs 26 continues along the same lines as Proverbs 25. The topics included are:
  • fools (26:1-12)
  • sluggards (26:13-16)
  • gossips (26:17-28)
These verses give wisdom for dealing with those negative kinds of people in our lives.

Fool - (1) It is not fitting to show them honor, rather, they need discipline. (2) Fools spout curses without cause and waste the wisdom of proverbs. (3) Don't waste your time arguing with a fool, but give him the answer his foolishness deserves. (4) Do not trust a fool to carry out anything important task for you. (5) Do not give honor to a fool. (6) A fool does the same thing over and over again even though it's a stupid thing to do. (7) Even with how bad foolishness is, self-pumped pride is even worse!

Sluggard - (1) A sluggard doesn't want to get out of bed. (2) He's too lazy even to feed himself. (3) A lazy man talks like he knows everything. He thinks he's pretty smart.

Gossips - (1) Jumping into other people's arguments is both stupid and dangerous! (2) There are those who behave foolishly or wrongly, then act like it's a joke. These people do not make good friends! (3) Those who gossip fan the flames of contention. (4) Yet many people enjoy the little morsels of gossip they can get. (5) People who hate others often try to cover their true feelings over with smooth talk, but their wickedness will eventually be revealed. (6) In the end, no one gets away with evil done to another person. God will see to that!

I find it very frustrating to try to deal with these kinds of people. You can't say anything to them, because they won't listen. When I encounter people like this, I just have to put extra effort into checking my own heart to make sure I'm not making things worse. And I have to pray a lot, not only for God to search my own heart, but also that he help me respond properly to these people.

Do you have a fool, a lazy person, or a gossip to deal with in your life? Meditate on these passages and search your own heart to examine your responses to these people. Seek God's direction in how you should or should not relate with them.

Father, teach us to respond to those negative people in our lives in a way that is pleasing to you. We want you to be honored in our relationships with others as much as it is possible from our end. Let your word transform our hearts and minds so we can live in obedience to you. In Jesus' name, amen.


  1. I used to have people like this in my life, and you know what? I would start acting like them! It was NOT a good combination and good for my growth!

    Proverbs 22:3 and 27:12 are similar: The prudent sees the evil and hides himself,
    But the naive go on, and are punished for it.

    I realized that I wasn't very "prudent" about the kind of people I did ministry with, and this last time really taught me a very valuable lesson on that point.

    God has taught me I can say no to being friends when I have red flags of "evil" in the form of gossip or even little white lies. I have tried to partner and be friends with those type of people, and it just doesn't end up going well. I know people don't have to be perfect, but if there are entrenched character issues that have not gone away (even when others have continually confronted the person about them), it is wise to walk away and not a "mean" thing to do. :)

  2. Excellent example, Carol. Thanks. :)


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