The Psalms will be interspersed in chronological order over Year One and Year Two of the Bible Book Club. HERE is a link to the Psalms in numerical order if you prefer to do it that way.
This is the oldest psalm and was written by Moses, the man of God (Joshua 14:6; Ezra 3:2). While the occasion of its writing is unknown, it would fit with the 40-year wilderness wanderings of the Israelites.
In this psalm, Moses contrasts God’s eternal nature with man’s frailty.
This poem is a “chiastic” or “stair-step” poem – “one in which the psalmist builds to a climax, then reverses directions in the middle and repeats himself using synonyms” (The Daily Walk: June 2008, p. 24).
Here is an example of this from Psalm 90:1-2:
A Lord
..B You have been our dwelling place
….C Throughout all generations
…...D Before the mountains
….....E Were born
….....E Or You brought forth
…...D The earth and the world
….C From everlasting to everlasting
..B You are
A God
Isn't that cool?
This Psalm has significant meaning to me. If you come to my house, you will see it quoted in a metal sculpture next to our front door (thanks Kevin and Nancy Higgins!).
If you step into our master bedroom, you will see it cross-stitched and framed on our wall (Thanks Kim Mahone! Kim came to visit 20 years later and asked to see it. It is our favorite wedding present!).
Is God your dwelling place? Are you living in light of eternity in your marriage and family?
Lord, thank You that You are our home, safe and secure. Help us to live in the light of eternity today. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
It was fun to be reminded that this is our marriage Psalm!