
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 Chronicles 27-28 - Two Kings

by Katrina

2 Chronicles 27-28

Parallel Passages:
reign of Jotham - 2 Kings 15:32-38
reign of Ahaz - 2 Kings 16; Isaiah 7-9


Jotham was one of the eight good kings of Judah and reigned 750-731 B.C. Although Jotham worshiped the Lord, the people of Judah continued to act corruptly. He strengthened Judah and subjected the Ammonites to Judah so that they had to pay a large annual tribute. Jotham became mighty because "he ordered his ways before the Lord his God."

Jotham was followed by his son Ahaz, who reigned 731-715 B.C. Ahaz "did not do right in the sight of the Lord." He worshiped the Baals and even burned his own sons as sacrifices to false gods. Because of his sin, God allowed the king of Aram to defeat Judah in battle and carry off a great number of captives. Israel also did a great deal of damage to Judah and carried off captives as well. But the Lord sent a prophet to the Israeli commanders and told them to send the captives back to Judah. God had used Israel to punish Judah, but taking captives was beyond the punishment God would allow. It's interesting that the very ungodly nation of Israel listened to the prophet and did what God said. They fed and clothed the captives, treated their injuries, cared for them, and took them back to Jericho.

When God decided to humble Ahaz, Judah was attacked by the Edomites, Philistines, and Assyrians. But Ahaz did not turn to the Lord for help. "Now in the time of his distress this same King Ahaz became yet more unfaithful to the Lord." He turned to other gods for help and closed up the temple of the Lord.


We have a great contrast between these two kings. On the one hand, Jotham honored the Lord by proper worship and obedience. In contrast, Ahaz worshiped idols and did not obey the Lord. When it comes down to it, all the kings were judged as "good" or "bad" based on their worship. Those who worshiped the Lord and tore down the idols were deemed "good" kings while those who worshiped idols were deemed "bad" kings. I think what God really wanted from the kings and His people was worship, and I think that's what God wants from us today.


Worship and praise God today!


Pray your own prayer of worship, praising God for who he is.

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