by Katrina
LINK: Isaiah 10
The first four verses of chapter ten are a continuation of God's indictment against His people. He targets the governing officials who have been enacting unjust legislation and making unjust rulings. They have taken justice out of the system, harming those whom they should be protecting. So God's punishment will hit them hard, and they will end in either exile or death.
The next section is verses 5-19 where God pronounces His judgment on Assyria. Assyria doesn't realize that they are being used by God to punish Judah. God's purpose was to chastise His people, but the Assyrian's purpose was to destroy them. Because Assyria is arrogant and cruel, God will destroy them.
Once again, amidst the talk of punishment, wrath, and destruction, God gives hope (vs 20-27). There will be a remnant of God's people who escape destruction and will turn to the Lord. God's wrath against His people will not last forever, but will soon turn against the Assyrians instead.
According to Dr. Ryrie, verses 28-32 describe Assyria's advance toward Jerusalem. All the cities named are within a three-hour march of Jerusalem.
Can you think of a time when you have been disciplined by your heavenly Father? I have experienced God's discipline in my life and have learned to be thankful for it. He is a very gentle father when I listen to him early on, but if I am stubborn and hard-hearted He has to be harsher to get my attention. That's what happened with Israel and Judah as well. But take a look at Isaiah 10:20. ". . . those of the house of Jacob who have escaped will never again rely on the one who struck them, but will truly rely on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel." After it's all said and done, God's people will truly learn the lesson the Lord was trying to teach them all along.
Read and meditate on Hebrews 12:3-11. Can you find God's purpose for disciplining us in this passage?
Lord, thank you for being a loving father toward us. You teach us and discipline us as a loving father would. And even during the pain of the discipline, you give us hope. Teach us to fully trust you as you make us holy. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Thanks, Katrina! Wow. So much in this chapter! How reassuring, to me at least, that God is in charge, especially when disaster comes. I love that passage in Hebrews! According to it if we are God's children, we will be disciplined. Not for no purpose, though! It will all be worth it. Discipline's fruit is LIFE and holiness and peaceful righteousness!