
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Isaiah 19 - Prophecy about Egypt

by Katrina

Isaiah 19

This chapter has two sections: verses 1-15 tell of Egypt's near future, and verses 16-25 speak of Egypt in the millennial kingdom.

Isaiah warned Egypt that the Lord was about to come, resulting in great dread and fear. There would be a civil war followed by a cruel conqueror. Egypt would experience severe drought, which would destroy their economy. And the world famous wise men of Egypt will be confounded. The leading cities will fall, and Egypt will surely come to ruin. This prophecy came true in 671 B.C. when Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, conquered Egypt.

The second section uses the phrase "in that day" several times, indicating a more distant future time. It seems to refer to the millennial period. At that time, the three nations - Israel, Egypt, Assyria - will be at peace with one another. Egypt will fear Israel and worship the one true God. Assyria and Egypt will be allied together, and there will be a great highway between them.

Scarlet Thread - verse 20 says that Egypt will cry out to the Lord, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them.

I love verse 22, "And the Lord will strike Egypt, striking but healing; so they will return to the Lord, and He will respond to them and will heal them." The land if Egypt is largely Muslim today, but this verse tells us that one day the people of Egypt will turn to the Lord and He will listen. Isn't that exciting!! But it gets even better. The land of Assyria in Isaiah's time, is today's Iraq. One day the Lord of hosts will bless all three of these nations, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance" (verse 25). No longer will Iraq and Egypt be Muslim! They will be just as much God's people as Israel. I think that's very exciting!

Lord, what a wonderful day it will be when the nations of the Middle East all bow to You, the King of kings! Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Amen.

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