
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Isaiah 23 - Tyre's Economic Devastation

LINK: Isaiah 23


Tyre is the last of the "Tale of Woes for Judah's Foes" delivered by Isaiah. These prophecies that began in the east with Babylon (Isaiah 13) moved west until the final prophecy against Tyre of Phoenicia. Tyre was a major trading center of the ancient world with a large seaport. It was very wealthy and very evil. Tyre is rebuked in many prophetic books (Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, and Zechariah). Historically, Tyre was not destroyed for another 200 years after the Assyrian aggression at the end of the eighth century B.C., but the trade of this city was cut off between 700 and 630 B.C. leading some commentators to believe this is what the "70 years" is referring to in 23:15. Today, Tyre is the fourth largest city in Lebanon. This economic devastation would bring devastation to the whole region and another warning to Judah against political alliances with unstable neighbors.


We have covered many nations in this "Tale of Woes." Get out a map and pray over the people who live in this region today (Middle East). There are still many "woes" that only Jesus can heal.


Lord, You are the answer to our woes. May we run to You and intercede for those people who do not know You as their healer and helper. Lord, we beseech You to send out workers into the harvest fields of the Middle East who can be a light for Christ to hopeless people. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Praying over the Middle East tomorrow during an intercession time.


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