
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Psalms 112 & 113

by Becky

LINK: Psalm 112


A companion to Psalm 111, this psalm varies its theme. Psalm 111 praises the LORD by recounting how His own works reveal His character. Psalm 112 praises the Lord by showing how the lives and actions of those who fear Him give Him praise. Those who fear the LORD reflect Him. They are characterized by what characterizes Him.


Get this: It we truly fear God we will delight in living for Him. Fearing God keeps us from fearing what most people fear. We will be different. The character traits that are revealed in those who truly reverence God are to His praise.

This is a poem – a worship song. It’s not an “if/then” doctrinal passage.

Notice that verse 3 talks about darkness overtaking the godly. Darkness there is a metaphor for difficulties, trials, tragedies, hard times. The psalm isn’t saying that fearing (trusting, living for) the LORD will keep us from experiencing suffering or hard times. It IS saying that when the “darkness” descends on the one whose heart belongs to the LORD, then light will come bursting in. Love that image! Light bursting in – something that can’t be contained.

Evil may touch the one who trusts the LORD, but it won’t overcome her. The safest place is in God’s lap.

If I fear God, then I won’t fear anything else. I am set free to live as He wants me to, in a way that honors His Name. Even in the dark times, I will reflect Him – I will display generosity and compassion and integrity and will do what is right. I will live in hope. My life will be a song of praise to my Lord.


What are you afraid of? Lots of people fear lots of different things. Do you fear other people and their opinions? Do you fear the future? Fear can be paralyzing.

After Hurricane Katrina, thousands of people from New Orleans were housed in a convention center about a mile from our house. Rumors flew: knife battles, violence on the streets nearby, people breaking into homes. I found myself having trouble sleeping at night. I reacted in fear – until – I realized that I needed to reflect my LORD. Hiding in my house wasn’t pleasing Him. Did I fear Him – believe that what He said was true really was true – that I was to help those in need – that I wasn’t to fear what man could do to me? My fear of God helped me to overcome my fear of the unknown, the fear of rumors, really, and go down the the convention center to volunteer. I spent several weeks volunteering there and was blessed by those I met. Fearing God set me free from fear!

It’s easy to be afraid of so many things. Sometimes after I read the newspaper I find myself fearful. There is so much wrong with this world. But, you know, as I focused on this psalm I realized that the only One I really should fear – because He truly has the power of life and death and eternity – is the LORD. He is the only one worth fearing and He is the only one worth trusting, because He is the only one who has any real power, the only one who knows the end and the beginning. And fearing the LORD and trusting Him isn’t paralyzing – it’s freeing!

Who do you fear? Fear God and live.

LINK: Psalm 113


Psalm 113 is the first of a series of psalms (Psalms 113-118) called the Hallel, psalms of redemption that were sung at the Jewish festivals, even in Jesus’ day. So it’s probable that this psalm was sung by Jesus at the last Passover meal he and his disciples celebrated together.


Look at the paradoxes in this psalm! The greatest One in the universe – the glorious LORD God – is concerned with those who are considered the lowest on earth – those most pitied and despised. This psalm reminds us of what God told Samuel – that He doesn’t look at the outward appearance, but at the heart.

The poor and needy are the most powerless people – not likely candidates for sitting with princes – and yet God helps them. Barren women were pitied and despised in ancient Israel and other ancient societies. Yet God turns their state upside down and promises blessing and joy.

This psalm reminds us that God’s way is indeed topsy-turvy – not the way this world functions at all! God is not status conscious.


What is your view of those you meet? Who do you gravitate toward? This psalm made me ask myself if I view those around me with God’s eyes or with the eyes of society – looking at the status of those around me.


Help me to fear you, LORD, so that I will be freed from fear to live. Help me to view others with Your eyes. We praise You, LORD Jesus, for your goodness and mercy and power. Blessed be your Name.

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