
Monday, August 31, 2009

Jeremiah 24 & 25 - Figs & Parameters

by Katrina

LINKS: Jeremiah 24 & Jeremiah 25

These two chapters are chronologically in reverse order. The events of chapter 25 happened in 605 B.C. at the time of the first deportation, while the events of chapter 24 occurred after the second wave of deportation of 598-597 B.C. In both chapters, following major deportations of the people of Judah, God is giving a message about the future of the people. There are words for those who were taken into exile, as well as for those who remained in the land.

Chapter 24 - Vision of the Figs

Much of Judah had been deported to Babylon, and those remaining thought themselves "special" in God's eyes. With this vision, God corrected their misconceptions.

The Lord showed Jeremiah a vision of two baskets of figs - one of very good figs and the other of very bad figs. The good figs were the people who were deported to Babylon. God promised to bring them back to the land and restore their relationship to Him. The bad figs were rotten and represented those who stayed in Judah. God would abandon them and send complete destruction. He would not restore a relationship with them.

Chapter 25 - Parameters of the Captivity

There are three distinct parameters God has placed on the captivity of His people.
  1. They would receive repeated warnings over many years before God would send them into captivity. (vs. 1-7).
  2. The captivity would last 70 years. (vs. 8-11).
  3. The captor nation (as well as other nations) would be punished. (vs. 12-38)

A relationship with God is dependent on our hearts. Let's be "good figs" and follow God with a whole heart.

Father, thank You for drawing my heart to You and softening it when it was hard with sin. You have provided me with a relationship with You. There is nothing more valuable! Teach me to serve You with my whole heart. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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