LINK: Jeremiah 8-9
In these chapters, God speaks of the apostasy of the people that justifies their punishment. They have the Law but have refused to obey it. They have rejected God's word. They are greedy. They have no shame for their abominable behavior. So their nation will fall. The people will perish. The land will be unproductive.
Jeremiah expresses his great sorrow for his people. He weeps over their evil lives, their dishonesty, and their refusal to know the Lord.
God describes the destruction of the land (9:10-11), and says that the people will be scattered among the surrounding nations. There will be much mourning. The day of judgment is coming soon.
In yesterday's reading we saw how proud the people were because they had the temple, and how they thought that they were protected from harm because of the temple. But in today's chapters, God made it very clear that destruction was coming along with a great deal of weeping and mourning. The nation as they knew it would be completely destroyed. The final four verses of chapter nine (9:23-26) provide a good summary of what God has been trying to tell them. Let's zoom in on verse 24:
but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things," declares the Lord.We might be proud of ourselves for our status in life, our wealth, our knowledge, our education, our strength, etc., but God says that none of those things are worth boasting about. What is really of value is our relationship with God -- knowing Him. Wow! What an awesome privilege it is to have a real relationship with the living God -- the one who loves us and is always just and righteous! Through Jesus, we are able to have that intimacy with God. Let's thank God today for that relationship!
Father, thank you for making me your child! Thank you for loving me and providing the sacrifice that I needed to take care of my problem with sin so that I could enter into your presence. Thank you for making yourself known to me and for allowing me to have a relationship with you. May I continue to grow in my knowledge and understanding of you all the rest of my life! Amen.
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