The key word in this beautiful chapter is "restore." Even though Israel and Judah's "wound is incurable" and their "injury beyond healing" (30:12) because their "guilt is so great" and "sins so many" (30:14), God will restore them to health and heal their wounds (30:17)!
Amid this restoration, there would be a leader who would be one of their own and will come close to God (30:21). This is speaking of when they return after the exile, but it also speaks of the future when Jesus will be the leader from among them.
Today was a hard day for some people I am involved with, but He is a God of restoration, and I am praying that He restores some relationships that seem incurable from this outsider looking in!
Is there any relationship that needs to be restored in your life? Does your relationship with God need to be restored? Talk to Him about that today.
Is there any relationship that needs to be restored in your life? Does your relationship with God need to be restored? Talk to Him about that today.
Lord, restore us to You. We ask this in the name of our leader, Jesus Christ. Amen.
God is in the restoration business! I am so thankful!