
Monday, September 14, 2009

Jeremiah 39 - Fall of Jerusalem

by Katrina

LINK: Jeremiah 39

Jeremiah has been preaching for 40 years, and what he said is finally happening here in chapter 39. The city of Jerusalem has been under siege and now the wall is breached by Nebuchadnezzar's troops. The Babylonian leaders held a meeting at the Middle Gate. Although Jeremiah had specifically told King Zedekiah not to try to run from the Babylonians, he fled the city. Nebuchadnezzar's army caught him and took him captive to Babylon. His sons were killed before him, and then his eyes were put out. Zedekiah later died in Babylon. Most of the people of Jerusalem were also deported to Babylon. They left behind the poorest people to tend the land. They would be powerless to rebel and their presence in the land would keep it from becoming a wilderness.

Nebuzaradan, a high officer in the Babylonian army, gave specific instructions concerning Jeremiah. This is a great illustration of how God uses men of position to do His will. He protected Jeremiah through Nebuzaradan. God rescued Jeremiah from death because Jeremiah had trusted in Him. Nebuzaradan gave Jeremiah the choice of whether to stay in Jerusalem or go with the captives to Babylon. Jeremiah chose to stay.

God had made a promise to Jeremiah when He first called him to be His prophet. In Jeremiah 1:8, He said, "Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you." God keeps His promises.

Think of promises of God that He has kept in your life. Make a list in your journal if you keep one, and thank God for being a God who keeps His promises.

Lord, you are the One true God. You promise that you will never leave us or forsake us. Thank You for that great assurance that You are always there and in control. We know that nothing that happens to us is outside of Your control. You are a God who loves, disciplines, nurtures, and cares for Your people. Thank you for making me your child forever, through Jesus, amen.

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