
Friday, September 7, 2012

Jeremiah 50 - Bye-Bye Babylon

LINK: Jeremiah 50


God's main purpose for Babylon was to be His instrument of punishment for Judah's sins. Once this was accomplished, Babylon would be punished for their own sin. Babylon was destroyed by a "nation from the north." They were destroyed by the Medo-Persians (Daniel 5:30-31) in 539 BC under King Cyrus. Its complete destruction was accomplished by later Persian kings. 

By the third century B.C., Babylon was little more than a desert, but archaeologists in the 19th century uncovered its ruins. The nation of Iraq had plans to restore Babylon, but the Gulf War did not allow that to happen. There is a military base near the ruins now.

Jeremiah 50:17-20 looked to a future time when God would gather His scattered flock back to the land and would forgive the nation's sins and establish His New Covenant through the Messiah.

God was against Babylon because they defied Him (50:29) because of their pride (50:31-32) and because they made the Jews suffer (50:33). In spite of the oppression of Babylon, the Jews' Strong Redeemer would free them by pleading their case and bringing rest to their land (Micah 7:9; Zechariah 3:1-5; 1 John 2:1). 

Stay TUNED! That Strong Redeemer is coming very soon!


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I hope you are keeping up with us! You are on the HOME STRETCH of the Old Testament. WOOHOO!


Lord, thank You for our Strong Redeemer, Jesus. Thank You that our sins have been forgiven and washed away because of the New Covenant of His blood. We are grateful today. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. He truly is our Strong Redeemer. Show yourself strong to the people of the former Babylon.


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