
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ezekiel 14 & 15 - Idolatry and Vines

by Katrina

LINK: Ezekiel 14 and Ezekiel 15



Some men who were supposed to be the leaders of Israel came to Ezekiel to see what he had to say. Clearly, these were not godly men who were true spiritual leaders for Israel. God revealed the idolatry that filled their hearts. He also made it clear that each one would be held responsible for his own personal sin of idolatry. But at the same time, God was giving them the opportunity to repent. If they didn't repent, then they would bear the punishment (their removal) so the house of Israel would no longer be led astray by them.

God went on to describe the four judgments that He would send on Jerusalem: famine, wild beasts in the land, war, and pestilence. And even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were in their midst, these righteous men would not be able to prevail upon God to relent.

People might wonder if the people of Jerusalem really deserved such punishment from God. But God said that there would be survivors in the city. They would live through the siege, survive the famine, not be killed by wild beasts, and not die from the diseases that will be rampant in the city. They will see it all first hand then be carried off by the Babylonian army. Yet, they will not repent. They will continue in their sinful ways, and everyone will know that God had good reason to judge them.


Israel was a vine that God had planted and tended. But the vine was not producing fruit and so was worthless. And what good is a vine that doesn't produce any fruit? If it had been a tree, it could be cut down and the wood made into something useful. But a vine can't be made into anything at all. Its only usefulness is to be fuel for a fire. God sent fire (judgment) that charred the vine, making it even less useful (if that were possible). And He will soon send further fire that will consume the vine. "Then you will know that I am the Lord."

Anything that ranks higher than God in my heart is an idol, and I must guard my heart against this form of idolatry. One way to do this is to consciously abide in the true vine - Jesus. (John 15:1-9). If I remember that He is my source of life and ministry, and I draw my strength from Him, then I will bear fruit. If I try to draw my life and strength from any other source, I will dry up and be fruitless, good for nothing except to be thrown in the fire.

Let's examine our hearts today for any hint of idolatry. Do I love anything more than I love God? Money? Career? Clothes? Jewelry? Entertainment? Praise from others? Anything else? Confess it to God and abide in Jesus.

Lord, you know my heart better than I do. I want to abide in you and keep you first in my heart. Show me any areas where I do not have you in first place. Lead me, Lord, that I may draw ever closer to you and be filled with the sap of your true vine. May it ooze out through me, producing fruit for you, in the name of Jesus, amen.

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