
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ezekiel 6-7 - Destruction of the Land

by Katrina

LINK: Ezekiel 6-7

Yesterday's two chapters focused on the destruction of Jerusalem, and today's two chapters describe the destruction of all the land. God had commanded Ezekiel not to speak unless He gave him something to say, and this is one of those times God gave him a message for the people.

The people had defiled the land with idols and high places. God would send an army (Babylonians) to destroy the high places, altars, and idols. The cities and people would be destroyed as well (chap 6). God will pour out His wrath on the land.  The land and the people will be devastated by sword and famine. Their arrogance, violence, and wickedness will result in disaster upon disaster until complete destruction is accomplished. God will deal with them as they deserve (chap 7).

The final verse of chapter seven reveals God's larger purpose in this judgment. "And they will know that I am the LORD." Although the people would seek help from their priests, their king, and other nations, nothing would thwart God's plan. God would prove Himself to be sovereign.
The LORD nullifies the counsel of the nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the LORD stands forever; The plans of His heart from generation to generation. (Psalm 33:10-11)

Let's meditate on the sovereignty of God today. He is totally in control. We can't always understand what He's doing or why He does something, but He is truly the sovereign Lord over all.

Lord, you have a plan for all of history, and no power on earth or in hell can thwart it. You have control over all of my life, and no one can change that either. Your ways are beyond our comprehension, but you will accomplish them. We worship You, the Most High God!

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