
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Psalms 126 - 128 Songs of Trust

by Becky

LINK: Psalm 126, Psalm 127, Psalm 128


We continue with the “Songs of Ascent.”


Psalm 126 recalls a time when God restored the Jews to Jerusalem, probably when they returned with Ezra or Nehemiah. The psalmist recalls the joy and gladness they felt. It was like living a dream! Remembering that, he now asks that they again be returned from captivity. He longs for his people to return to God and he comforts himself with the realization that often godly sorrow leads to joy. He is sowing in tearful prayer and expects to rejoice in the sheaves that are reaped.

I am glad for that reminder. “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.” I notice, too, that over and over again, the psalms refer to what God has done in the past. Seeing His hand in the past helps me to have faith now and hope for the future.

What joys has God given you in the past; what has He freed you from? Are you praying for someone now, with tears? Remember the past and wait in expectation for God’s future harvest which will bring joy!

Psalm 127 focuses on what God does and what we do.

I work diligently. I take care of my family and my home. I try to be a good mother. I try to be a good citizen. My husband and I try to be wise in our use of money.

The results are in God’s hands. Sometimes He gives me results that I would choose. Sometimes He doesn’t.

When we think the results are in our own hands we are saying that we are the ones in charge, in control. This is pride. If I think that I’m the one who determines the results, then I will experience anxiety and sorrow.

Do you want to sleep well? Do you want freedom from anxiety? Do your best and trust God for the results. Rest in Him, no matter what He brings.

Psalm 128 is a blessing, a prayer of hope for those who fear the LORD and walk in His ways. I can imagine it being sung around the campfire or by candlelight, like the family in Fiddler on the Roof’s “Sabbath Prayer.”


LORD, it all comes down to trusting you. Help me to trust you with the lives and hearts of those that I pray for with tears. Help me to do my imperfect best, trusting you no matter what you decide. I have seen how you have turned sorrow to joy in the past. I am trusting you for a harvest of joy in the future!

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