
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ezekiel 28 - Tyre & Sidon

by Katrina

LINK: Ezekiel 28

There are four parts to this chapter:
  • fall of the prince of Tyre (vs 1-10
  • lament over the king of Tyre (vs 11-19)
  • judgment on Sidon (vs 20-24)
  • promise to Israel (vs 25-26)

The prince of Tyre refers to the ruler of the city of Tyre at the time of the prophecy. The reigning king at that time was Ittobaal II. Because of his very great pride, God will use strangers (Babylonians) to bring judgment on him.

The king of Tyre in the second section most likely refers to Satan. We know from 1 Chronicles 21 (Satan was behind David's census), Daniel 10 (the prince of the kingdom of Persia delayed the angel Michael), and Matthew 4:8-10 (Satan tempted Jesus to worship him) that Satan wants to control nations and their leaders. This passage tells of his creation as a very beautiful creature and as an obedient angel of God. But his pride and selfish ambitions led him to sin, leading God to cast him out. Here he is the motivation and strength behind the human prince of Tyre. One day, his judgment will be completed with consuming fire.

The third section tells of God's judgment on the city of Sidon. This city was about 25 miles north of Tyre, along the Mediterranean coast. The people of Sidon were long-time enemies of Israel, but now their opposition would end. God would be glorified with the destruction of Sidon! How? Because the destruction would demonstrate God's holiness by rejecting the false gods and the sin of the city.

Finally, this chapter concludes with a promise to Israel. God will one day gather His people from where they are scattered back to their land. The nations will see His holiness in them, and they will live securely and prosperously in the land that God had promised to Jacob.

This part of verse 25 struck me, "and (I) shall manifest My holiness in them (Israel) in the sight of the nations." In other words, the nations will see the holiness of God by observing His people Israel. Today, the angelic beings see the "manifold wisdom of God" through observing the church. It is part of God's eternal purpose through Jesus to demonstrate Himself through the church. (Ephesians 3:8-11) Wow! Part of the reason God saves us is to demonstrate who He is to the angelic beings!

Do people see Jesus in you? Are you demonstrating who God is by the way you live?

Lord, we know you are far above all power and authority on this earth, as well as in the spiritual realm that we cannot see. Your purposes reach far beyond our lives into eternity. You demonstrate your holiness, wisdom, power, and glory in all that you do. Let us be humble before you, not like the ruler of Tyre who was arrogant. And let us live in such a way as to point people to you. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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