
Monday, October 22, 2012

Ezekiel 45 & 46 - Worship Central

LINK: Ezekiel 45 & 46


These chapters deal with the allotment of the land, the prince, and regulations for offerings and feasts.

The land would be at the present site of Jerusalem and would contain a sacred district 8.3 x 6.6 miles that would include the temple described in Ezekiel 40-43 and housing for the priests and Levites. This is different from their allotment in Joshua 21:1-42, where they were scattered throughout Israel. Adjoining this land was to be the city (1.7 x 8.3 miles).

The prince would have the land bordering this district. He would be a married man with sons (46:16-18). He would be a civil ruler, but most of his functions would be religious. He was not to oppress his people as in times past.

Ezekiel 45:13-46:24 contain instructions offerings and holy days. For the offering, specific amounts of produce were to be given to the prince who would turn around and use them for temple sacrifices. This prince could not be Christ, for he makes a sin offering for himself and the people of the land (44:3; 45:22). This is something Christ would not do. This prince provided sacrifices for the dedication of the sanctuary, the Sabbaths, Passover, Tabernacles, and the New Moons. An explanation of the temple sacrifices can be found HERE. The year of freedom (Jubilee) is explained in Leviticus 25.


Worship was to be the center of everything that Israel did. Is it the center of everything that you do?


Lord, be the center of everything that we do. Lead us into worship. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I can honestly say that I have had so many more worship times during my morning times in these prophets. It has been really wonderful!


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