LINK: Psalm 138
We return to psalms of David for a few weeks.
In verse 1, David says that “before the gods I sing your praise.” The word translated gods there is elohim, which sometimes means “rulers” or “judges” and sometimes means “divine ones” or “angels.” David could be talking about powerful heavenly beings, the angels, here, which is how the Greek Septuagint understood it. Or he could be speaking of the false gods of the nations around them. Or he could be talking about powerful people – people like judges. Because of the context I am inclined to understand it as either angels or powerful people. The point is that David is singing God’s praise before those with power.
David offers wholehearted thanks here to the LORD for His steadfast love and faithfulness. He weaves into these words his own experience. He speaks of God’s work in past, present, and future.
David had experienced God’s answer to his prayers: “my strength of soul you increased.” It doesn’t say, by the way, that God removed whatever was troubling David. God answered and increased David’s soul strength.
Someday in the future, all the kings of the earth will recognize God’s power, and will thank Him. God’s glory is that great. Though God is so great that powerful people will bow before him, it’s not the powerful that He pays attention to. God is close to those who know they bring nothing to Him – those lowly in heart.
David knows that in the midst of trouble God preserves him and rescues him. He knows this because he knows His Lord – what He has promised and His character (v 2) and because David has experienced God’s strength in the past (v 3).
The last verse of this psalm is one that we can hang onto!
“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever.
Do not forsake the work of your hands.”
David was convinced that God was at work in him. Why? What gave him that conviction?
Are you that convinced? How much of David’s confession can you make your own?
I hope you'll meditate on this psalm today and make it your own.
LORD, we know you have made us and that you are a God of purpose. You have a plan for each of your children and your love never goes away. Help us to know you, LORD, so that like David, our feet can stand on the solid ground of your character and pomises even in the midst of trouble.
Wholehearted thanks is a great title for a Psalm post around Thanksgiving. Thank you for posting it!