
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mark 16 - Resurrection

by Katrina

LINK: Mark 16

The events of the crucifixion and resurrection likely happened in the spring of the year 30. All four gospels record these pivotal events but with some variation. The important events recorded in Mark are:
  • The women arrived at the tomb and found the stone rolled away, talked with the angels who were there, and discovered that Jesus was no longer dead.
  • The women reported the news to Peter and other disciples.
  • Jesus appeared to the disciples in the upper room and reproached them for not being convinced when they first heard he was alive.
  • Jesus commissioned the disciples to preach to the whole world.
The most reliable manuscripts do not contain verses 9-20, so it would be unwise to base significant teaching on these verses alone.

The resurrection is an integral part of the gospel message. When Jesus died, he provided the sacrifice that was necessary to pay the penalty for our sin. If he had stayed dead, it would have been of little use to us. But because of his resurrection, we can be justified (Rom 4:25). His resurrection proved that he was truly the Son of God (Rom 1:4). Paul says that without the resurrection, our faith is completely worthless! And without the resurrection, we are still dead in our sins (1 Cor 15:14, 17). But since Christ was raised, we who believe will also be raised (1 Cor 15:20-23), and then, finally, there will be complete victory over sin and death (1 Cor 15:54-57). Thanks be to God who gives us this victory through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Read and reflect on 1 Corinthians 15 today. (We will discuss it here in a few months.)

We rejoice, Lord, that you have power over death! We see the resurrection of Jesus and have hope for our own resurrection one day when he returns for us. Thank you for the salvation you provided to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. May we live our lives in service to you because of your great gift to us. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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