
Monday, April 5, 2010

John 21 - Follow Me!

by Katrina

LINK: John 21

This chapter provides a great transition from the gospels to the book of Acts. Here Peter and six other disciples were fishing when Jesus appeared. Jesus had risen but did not have a day-to-day relationship with the disciples. He appeared to them about once a week, and this is the third appearance.

Peter and the others were fishing. They knew how to fish and could do that while waiting for whatever they were waiting for. I think they didn't know what to expect next. Early in the morning,
Jesus appeared on the shore and provided a great catch of fish for them, even though they had fished all night without catching anything. Jesus provided breakfast for the men, and they all recognized him. The rest fade into the background while Jesus focuses in on Peter.

The conversation Jesus had with Peter is pivotal in Peter's life. Peter probably thought everything was over now. He had blown it when he denied Jesus three times during the trial. But Jesus was not finished with Peter. Three times he had denied his Lord, and three times Jesus asked him if he love him. Peter had three opportunities to confess his love for Jesus in contrast to his three denials. Also, three times, he told Peter that he had a specific job for him. Jesus wanted Peter to take care of his sheep. Then one last time, Jesus repeated to Peter that original call from about three years previous, "Follow me." When Peter tried to turn the focus from himself to John with "What about him?" Jesus told Peter that it didn't matter what God chose to do with John, all Peter needed to do was to follow Jesus.

And the same is true for us today. What is most important is that we follow Jesus.

Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of following Jesus and for giving second chances when we mess up. Help us to keep our focus on you alone and follow you wherever you lead. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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