
Monday, May 9, 2011

Deuteronomy 7 & 8 - Conditions from the Covenantal God

LINK: Deuteronomy 7 & 8 


Deuteronomy 7

Israel was to destroy the seven nations within the borders of Canaan and all their religious objects. In addition, they were not to intermarry with them (although that would not happen if they totally destroyed them). Studies of these cultures through archeological evidence have revealed that they were the most morally depraved cultures in the ancient world. The most compelling reason for their destruction was that they hated God (7:10) and would try to ensnare His people in their evil practices. 

Israel was God's treasured possession. If the nation was obedient to the Lord, they would experience His covenantal love, but if they disobeyed, they would lose out on the blessings of the covenant. Blessings included fertility, freedom from disease, and the very presence of God. 

Deuteronomy 8

In this chapter, Israel is exhorted to remember His faithfulness in the wilderness and not to forget their covenantal God as they entered into the fruitful new land. This would keep them from becoming proud and entering into the worship of false gods. 


We need to constantly remember God's faithfulness to us and maintain a heart of thanksgiving. As I walked today, I thought that I would like to daily have "Thirteen Thanksgivings" (love alliterations) to not allow my heart to become proud and think I earned this blessed life. All the good gifts we receive are from the Father (James 1:17). We need to thank Him and not assume it is because of us. 


What are your "Thirteen Thanksgivings" for today? Write them down!

2023 Update: Since I wrote this in 2008, I have found practicing a daily Examen and/or Immanuel Journaling so helpful for having a heart of thanksgiving. 


Lord, keep our hearts from pride by remaining thankful to You. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Thirteen Thanksgivings for today.
    1) Feeding on Jesus being the Bread of Life
    2) Having Jesus direct me to bake bread for my directee and my neighbor who just lost his wife.
    3) The smell of fresh Friday Challah Bread!
    4) Hearing piano music playing when we knocked on our neighbor's door with the bread.
    5) Having him invite us and say, "Would you like some tea?" (He is British)
    6) Him quoting a Robert Frost poem and how he made it to our little town.
    7) Telling us how he met his wife
    8) Having him say, "Would you like me to play the piano for you?" We went into his living room to see a gorgeous grand piano, and he played from memory, "I like you just the way you are" by Billy Joel. We were in awe.
    9) Thankful that it is so much more blessed to GIVE than receive (we received such a blessing in the bringing of the bread)
    10) Filling filled to overflowing with the completion of my devotionals in THE RESERVOIR devotional book! (The last entry was on Jesus being LIVING WATER)
    11) That I can look at these Bible Book Club Posts and enjoy them so much after all these years. I am so glad God gave me this vision for blogging through the Bible.
    12) Thankful for all the people who have joined in the fun over the years (400,000 views? WOW!).
    13) I am thankful that it is Friday. It was so such a lovely week!


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