
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Psalm 78 - A Worshipful History Review

LINK: Psalm 78 (I linked an audio version of this chapter)


This is NOT a Psalm of David, but it is a Psalm of Asaph. He was a Levite from the family of Gershom. He was a musician and was appointed by David to lead the sacred choral services. His sons were choristers in the temple. He (or his descendants) wrote twelve psalms. I do most of these psalms next year when we go through 1 Chronicles, but I love the historical review of what we have learned so far in the Old Testament in Psalm 78. Because you have read up until this point ending with the life of David, the stories will be familiar to you, and they will reinforce what you have learned so far from a worshipful perspective that focuses on our amazing God!


I used to link this to an audio version of this chapter in the New Living Translation that had violin and piano, but I cannot seem to find it online like I did when I first wrote this post. 

Regardless, listen to the new audio version and let it turn into a praise time with our great and glorious God!

Have you ever recounted your history? Have you reviewed it and seen how our great God has worked in and through your life. On one of my extended prayer times, I talked to a pastor who had taken a sabbatical year where he worked full-time, Monday through Friday, writing his spiritual life story.  He wrote it to proclaim God's goodness in His life and for his children. Once, he came out while I was in the tearoom of the retreat center with tears of thanksgiving in his eyes. He had to share the great things God had done. It was such a precious moment. 


Someday, I want to do my whole life story in a narrative form like that, but we can all do a mini-one as an application from this psalm!

Here is a handout that will help you look back on God's faithfulness in your life:

Timeline Reflection Questions

If you do this, share it with someone. It will bless you and the person you are sharing it with. 


Lord, teach us to make You the center of our history. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. I am bummed! I cannot find the beautiful rendition of this Psalm online anymore! This newer one is not as nice. But it is a long Psalm. So it is nice to listen to it.


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