
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Psalm 55 - Cast Your Cares on the LORD

LINK: Psalm 55


Commentators believe this was written during Absalom's rebellion (2 Samuel 15), and the traitorous friend mentioned could be his counselor, Ahithophel (2 Samuel 15:12, 31; 17:1-23). 

It has the same tone as many of the Psalms read earlier this week. 


(This was written in 2008 - at the beginning of another homeschool year after just returning from a trip to Southeast Asia. Jet lag was also contributing to the bad day.)

Today was a hard day for me. The events of the last two weeks and the start of new things this school year have taken their toll on me, and I had a meltdown. Then, I felt really stupid for having it, only adding to everything. I felt detached from the Lord amid the restlessness in my heart too.

It is funny that even as far back as the day after Labor Day when I had set aside a day of prayer to prepare for the new school year, I was getting to something painful that happened recently, and I just "didn't want to go there." Yes, I spent a good day praying for and interceding for many other good things, but I did not get to the ache in my heart. Thus, there has been a growth of something "squishy" inside of me; and today, it spilled over. (And just to keep me humble, it was in the middle of a meeting with people I do not know that well, and, BOY, did I ever feel stupid!)

After the meltdown, I told George and a good friend that I was going to spend the rest of this afternoon with the Lord to get to the bottom of the "squishiness" that I have felt on and off since that day of prayer, but it is almost 11 p.m. on Tuesday night, and I have not gone to prayer. So, the meditation in these Psalms and this post have convinced me that I need to set aside the time and do some burden casting on the Lord and keep praying through the squishiness.


So, what is your burden today?

Cast your burden upon the LORD 
and He will sustain you.
Psalm 55:22


Lord, I know that You are my helper and sustainer. I come to You just as I am. Thank You that You daily bear my burdens, and I want to share them with You today and hear Your voice. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I remember that day so well! I should have just skipped the meeting. As a result of that day, we decided to always give me a buffer before I started homeschooling each year. Those were such full years for me! Things are much quieter now.


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