
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Job 15 - Eliphaz Lays Into Job

LINK: Job 15


In this second round, Eliphaz is not as polite to Job as he was in the first round of exhortations. He said Job's words were like a "hot east wind."  The heart of Eliphaz's accusation is this question: "Why has your heart carried you away . . . so that you vent your rage against God?" (15:12-13). Here are examples of Job's bold words toward God: 6:4; 7:15-20; 10:2-3; 16-17; 13:20-27. Eliphaz reminded Job that the wicked "writhe or whirl" in torment. Therefore, he must be wicked. He gave Job seventeen examples that befall sinners (15:21-35). Eliphaz hopes he can cajole Job into repentance, but it was to no avail. We will read about Job's response tomorrow.

REFLECTION (written in 2023)

I didn't write a reflection when I first wrote this blog, but the confrontation of the friends of Job made me think about something from "Many Aspire, Few Attain" by Walt Henrichson that I posted in the Proverbs 27 post. When reading over the "Accept Rebuke" section, I deleted this paragraph this time around in the Bible Book Club (2023). Here is the paragraph I deleted:
When was the last time someone rebuked you - the last time someone sat down and instructed you more perfectly in the way? If it has not been recently, it is because people don't consider you wise. They think you are a scorner. They are afraid if they rebuke you, you won't take it. Don't declare yourself into believing that you haven't been rebuked lately because you haven't needed it. you need it. The question is, are you getting it? You can tell whether or not people think you are wise by how often they rebuke you. 

I don't believe that you have to be rebuked all the time nor if you haven't been rebuked that you are not wise! I also think it is much more effective to let God speak to the person. Repentance is about God's kindness toward us. Romans 2:4 in the Amplified Bible says: 

Or do you have no regard for the wealth of His kindness and tolerance and patience [in withholding His wrath]? Are you [actually] unaware or ignorant [of the fact] that God’s kindness leads you to repentance [that is, to change your inner self, your old way of thinking—seek His purpose for your life]?

When people just rebuke us willy-nilly, it may be wrong and motivated by control rather than kindness, wanting behavior change rather than inner self change. It is much more effective to allow God to work in the person than a friend trying to convince another friend of their errors, and I believe God can be effective in doing that. Rebuke and confrontation do have their place, but I don't think people not confronting you means you are not wise! That is such a dogmatic and punitive statement.


I find a daily Examen is a wonderful way to allow God's kindness to lead me to repentance. I can evaluate my day in light of whether I turned away from God or toward Him. It is bathed in the love of God. Confession and repentance do not have to be something we are scared of, and we can see it in light of God wanting to change not just our behaviors but from the inside out. 

"Iron does sharpen iron," and there is a place for confrontation. I love the book Caring Enough to Confront.


Lord, Your kindness leads others to repentance. Help us to be kind in our confrontations with friends. Help us learn from this bad example of what not to do. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. I added a reflection about rebuke. I think some people who rebuke you are "Broken mirrors" and do not give you an accurate picture of who you are. These friends of Job are those kinds of "friends"!


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