LINK: 2 Chronicles 9
Parallel passage: 1 Kings 10-11
Today marks the end of our review of the history we covered last year!
In 2 Chronicles 1, we read that Solomon asked for wisdom, and God granted it to him. His wisdom was so well known that it prompted a visit from the gift-bearing, Queen of Sheba (modern-day Yemen). She traveled over 1,200 miles to see him. This is proof that the news of his wisdom and the wealth of his glorious rein had traveled throughout the ancient world. He was so well known that kings came from everywhere to hear the wisdom that God had put in Solomon's heart (2 Chronicles 9:23).
Remember King Hiram who called the land that Solomon gave him "good-for-nothing" (1 Kings 9:12-14)? In this passage, we can see that Hiram benefited from his trade with Solomon (2 Chronicles 9:10, 21).
Solomon had military (2 Chronicles 9:25), political (9:26), and commercial (9:27-28) power. He had a large kingdom, but it still did not extend to the parameters set out in the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 15:18).
The end of this account mentions the writings of the prophets Nathan (1 Kings 1:11-13), Ahijah (1 Kings 11:29), and Iddo (2 Chronicles 12:15; 13:22). We do not have any of these records today.
Also, this account does not mention Solomon falling away from the Lord. You can read about that in the parallel account in 1 Kings 11.
Solomon reigned 40 years from 971-931 B.C. ending the united kingdom of Israel. The divided kingdom starts tomorrow.
Lord, give us Your wisdom so that others will be drawn to You. Amen.
The review of last year is done!