
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Isaiah 27 - The Fruitful Vine with a Delightful Song

LINK: Isaiah 27


Each section of this chapter is marked by the words "in that day" (27:1, 2-11, 12-13). This is the time when Israel will be delivered, and all the other ungodly nations will be judged. The wicked are pictured as Leviathan in this chapter. "In ancient Aramean (Ugaritic) literature, Leviathan was a seven-headed monster, the enemy of God's created order" (The Bible Knowledge Commentary, p. 1211). It was probably a crocodile (Job 3:8; 41:1ff; Psalm 74:14).  

Israel is likened to a vineyard which is the same imagery used in Isaiah 5. But in Isaiah 5, the vineyard is fruitless resulting in a mournful, dirge-like song; while in Isaiah 27, the vineyard is fruitful resulting in a delightful song. In the future, Gentiles will come to know God through Israel. 

The Bible speaks of three vines: the people of Israel (Isa. 5; 27), Christ and His church (John 15), and godless Gentile society, “the vine of the earth” (Rev. 14:18). The vineyard of Israel is not bearing fruit, the “vine of the earth” is filling the world with poisonous fruit, and God’s people must be faithful branches in the Vine and produce fruit that glorifies God’s name. (Wiersbe, W. W. Be Comforted. An Old Testament study. (Is 27:2-11))

We are "God's people" of John 15 if we put our faith and trust in Jesus. The New Testament has many different ways of defining fruit. 

Fruit (karpos) can mean:

1) Winning others to Christ (Romans 1:13)
2) Growing in obedience and holiness (John 4:35-38)
3) Giving of money (Romans 15:28)
4) Displaying Christian character (Galatians 5:22-23)
5) Exhibiting good works and service (Colossians 1:10)
6) Giving glory to God in praise (Hebrews 13:15)

Do you produce fruit that glorifies God's name?


Evaluate your fruit!


Lord, help us to bear fruit that glorifies You. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Abiding in the Vine as the sun rises today. Lord, bear fruit through me today.


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