We have talked about God's wrath, fury, and destruction over the last two days, but we are now at the joy of Isaiah 35! (I am personally relieved.)
In Isaiah 1-34, the prophet had a message of judgment on all nations; but as the smoke of judgment begins to clear, we see a vision of overwhelming beauty and God's merciful restoration. This is a picture of the future, the final kingdom where evil is destroyed, and God establishes justice and peace.
Isaiah mentions Carmel and Sharon (35:2). These were fertile and fruitful regions. The redeemed will travel along a "holy highway" to Jerusalem with singing and everlasting joy! Also, the redeemed will be indwelt by the Holy Spirit according to Ezekiel 36:24-28.
Meditate deeply in the beautiful picture of Isaiah 35 today!
Also, here is a sweet young woman on YouTube who allowed Isaiah 35:9-10 (and Job, Esther, and Jeremiah) to encourage her to trade her sorrows for joy. What a great application!
Lord, You are so good. We shout for joy to You. We are thankful that You are a God of mercy and restoration. We praise You that Jesus redeemed us through His blood so that we might travel on the "holy highway" to heaven. It is in His name we pray. Amen.
God is just as thorough in his mercy as he is severe in his judgment. God's complete moral perfection is revealed by his hatred of all sin, and this leads to judgment. This same moral perfection is revealed in his love for all he has created. This leads to mercy for those who have sinned but who have sincerely loved Jesus and put their trust in him. (The Life Application Bible, p. 1225)APPLICATION
Meditate deeply in the beautiful picture of Isaiah 35 today!
Also, here is a sweet young woman on YouTube who allowed Isaiah 35:9-10 (and Job, Esther, and Jeremiah) to encourage her to trade her sorrows for joy. What a great application!
Lord, You are so good. We shout for joy to You. We are thankful that You are a God of mercy and restoration. We praise You that Jesus redeemed us through His blood so that we might travel on the "holy highway" to heaven. It is in His name we pray. Amen.
That sweet young woman has not posted anything for years. I pray she is well! Trading sorrow for joy.