
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Habakkuk - Tool Time Soaking

LINK: Habakkuk 1-3


It has been a long time since we have had one of Bible Study Tool Time. So, we will soak in Habakkuk over the next two days. You can do a mini-inductive study of this book. Get some colored pencils out and have fun studying it for yourself! Here are some handouts to guide you through the process:

I will see you tomorrow!


Lord, "Establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces reverence for you"(Psalm 119:38). Amen.


  1. Hey Carol,
    I downloaded both of the documents about inductive study on today's post. The Book Survey came out looking like a foreign language, but the Basics of Inductive Study came out fine. Not sure if that's me or something else? Thanks for all of the work each of you has put into this study. It's been great! Looking forward to this book.

  2. Hi Nikki,

    I went ahead and changed it to the old Microsoft Word. It is probably because you don't have Vista. I always try to save my stuff in the old version too, and I forgot to do it for this document. Thanks for the heads up and enjoy Habakkuk!

  3. Carol,
    Reading Habakkuk 3 reminded me of Don Francisco's song,
    Jesus is the Lord of the Way I Feel."

    Here is the link to it on Youtube

  4. Thanks Tea. It is amazing that most of my younger friends DON'T know who Don is. Also, I was at a retreat with a bunch of 20 somethings and NONE of them had heard of Michael Card. I was shocked!

  5. By the way, I read a book called "Wesley the Owl," and the author kept on referring to her girlfriend and roommate, Wendy, throughout the whole book. At the end of the book she gave thanks to all who helped her, and she said her last name: Wendy Francisco. Well, I did a little internet search, and she is Don Francisco's wife! When I told my friend (Michelle), she said, "Who is Don Francisco?" I'm listening to the YouTube right now!

    BTW, I am going on a prayer retreat. Would appreciate prayer for a lovely sabbath rest!

  6. Should be fun! I do a combo of inductive study and Lectio Divina now. I still find that defining Hebrew and Greek words helps me meditate more thoroughly!

  7. Should be fun! I do a combo of inductive study and Lectio Divina now. I still find that defining Hebrew and Greek words helps me meditate more thoroughly!


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