
Monday, July 2, 2012

Isaiah 50 - Walking in the True Light

LINK: Isaiah 50 


The Lord was temporarily "divorcing" Zion because she had rejected Him without reason. Mosaic Law states that a husband can give his wife a divorce certificate that stated her faults. Then, she would have to leave the home (Deuteronomy 24:1). Israel was being sent away because she had sinned. God did not reject Israel, but Israel rejected God. Therefore, their exile would be like a son sold into indentured servitude because of the great debt they owed God.

The Servant is speaking in 50:4-9. It is the third "Servant Song"; the first two being in 42:1-7 and 49:1-7, and the fourth being in 52:12-53:12. (Link to all four HERE.) Isaiah 50:6 is a specific "snapshot of the Savior" describing Jesus more than seven centuries before His birth. There are several of these "snapshots" in the book of Isaiah (7:14; 9:2, 6-7; 11:1-2; 35:4-6; 40:10-11; 42:1-4, 6-7; 50:6; 52:13-53:12; 61:1-2).

Isaiah concludes by exhorting the Servant's followers to fear, obey, trust in, and rely on the Lord rather than walk in their own light (i.e. following their own schemes) that will only lead to eternal damnation. It is specifically targeted toward the Jewish remnant, but there are applications for all of God's followers today!

REFLECTION (written in 2009)

How many days do I get up and light my own fire and try to walk by that light rather than the Lord's light? I think it is far more often than I realize. Two days ago, I "freaked out" about something rather than relying on God. The pressure of people's expectations got the best of me. Late in the day, I realized that I needed to "trust in the name of the LORD and rely on [my] God" (50:10) rather than my own protective ways of dealing with the situation. Lo and behold, God worked it all out! I feel stupid about the way I handled it, and I wished I had walked in the Lord's light from the start, but that is the way of my flesh!

I believe we all follow our own devices far more often than we care to realize. I believe we all have a "default light" (coping mechanism[s]) that we constantly fall back on based on our past avoidance of pain. We do not like to walk in darkness (pain). Therefore, we find the path of least resistance to avoid that pain by lighting puny little matches of our own light. In the long run, it is not a good plan because those "matches" are very short and eventually burn our fingers! Also, we spend all our energy lighting those short stubs when God has a never-ending light for us in our dark places. Self-sufficiency is a big snare; but for most of us, it is hard to stop and listen to the Lord in the midst of it.

Yet, this chapter gives us a perfect example of the Servant (Jesus) who woke "morning by morning to listen as a disciple" (50:4). God opened His ears, and He was not disobedient. He was obedient even to the point of death! He did not avoid the pain or the shame.

And we are to follow in His footsteps.


Do you wake "morning by morning to listen as a disciple" (like one being taught) to get your marching orders for the day or do you walk by the "light of your own fire" day in and day out? Are you tired of your fingers getting burned? Then follow the example of Jesus:

In the early morning, while it was still dark, 
Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to 
a secluded place, and was praying there.
(Mark 1:35)

Praying we all walk in the Lord's light today!

And remember the book, God Guides, is a tremendous encouragement to "listen and obey" God! 


Sovereign LORD, open our ears to listen like one being taught and help us to obey Your marching orders this day. We ask this in the name of the one who is our perfect example, Jesus. Amen.

Watch my video on following the example of Jesus and living in the "Cycle of Grace".


  1. This passage and post are such good reminders for me, Carol, as I tend to be very self-reliant. Thanks!

  2. I miss you Katrina! This was 10 years ago in July!

  3. I am up really early today! I think I have learned more about my "default light," and I catch myself in the act more and more. I have a fear of being wanted and loved, and my default light is to please people. That is the little match I burn instead of listening, as a disciple, to the Lord, and doing what pleases him. I catch myself now. I ask myself, "Is this because I want people to like me? Is this because I am afraid of being unwanted and unloved?" Then I listen to what God wants to say to me. Morning by morning, listening as a disciple!


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