
Monday, July 9, 2012

Isaiah 60 - Arise, Shine, for Your Light Has Come

LINK: Isaiah 60


The last six chapters of Isaiah will deal with the future kingdom. Think LIGHT for Israel, who will turn around and be a light that reveals God's glory for the peoples of the world. People from all over will come to Jerusalem because God was living there, and they would be drawn to His light. One day, people from all over the world will see God as the one true God!

The future reality promised in Isaiah 60:19-20 is also promised in Revelation 21:23, 24, and 22:5.


There are no words for this chapter. It is so beautiful. Just soak in it today and praise God!

Jesus is the Light that has come. The words "Behold Your Light Has Come" are in the second verse of this beautiful song, Immanuel, by Michael Card. It always makes me cry. Enjoy this music as you meditate today:

2023 Update: I posted a new video (the old link is broken), and the sun is dawning through the darkness as I listen. It is a God moment. 


We praise You, God, as the everlasting light. Amen.


  1. Oh man, such a God moment as I listened to Immanuel this morning as the sun was rising. Chills. Now off for a bike ride. This is so fun to journey through Isaiah again.


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