
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Micah 1 & 2 - The First Message of Judgment

LINK: Micah 1 & 2  (Read over the next two days)

If you have not already done so, please read Introduction to the Prophetical Books before starting your reading of Micah. 


Book of Micah

He was from the Judean town of Moresheth-Gath, 25 miles southwest of Jerusalem. Micah's name means "Who is like Yahweh?" Micah was the contemporary of Isaiah and prophesied for about 32 years. His message was similar to Isaiah's in that he spoke about the Assyrian destruction of the Northern Kingdom and the Babylonian defeat of the southern kingdom.

Here is where Micah fits within the historical narrative of the Bible:

2 Chr. 27-32:750-697 (2 Kings 16-20)

                     755-714: HOSEA 1-14 (Northern)


2 Chr. 33:     697-640 (2 Kings 21)

                     739-681: ISAIAH 1-66
                     733-701: MICAH 1-7
                     650-701: NAHUM 1-3

The book of Micah has three messages with each one beginning with the exhortation to "hear" or "listen." Like the message of Isaiah, the theme of judgment is prominent, but both books stress the restoration of Israel to prominence in the world with the Messiah as the exalted Head.

Micah 1-2

The First Message: Judgment Will Come

The southern kingdom is heading toward captivity. In this message, Micah predicts the coming judgment, laments over the people, and condemns the sins of Judah and their false prophets. He specifically condemns the exploitation of the poor by seizing their land (2:1-3). See Leviticus 25:25-28.

It is not all gloom and doom though. Micah gives us a little ray of hope in 2:12-13. The remnant will regather, the nation will be blessed, and the Lord will lead His people as a King (2:13b; Isaiah 33:22; Zephaniah 3:15; Zechariah 14:9).

No REFLECTION and APPLICATION because this is a "Keep Reading" day! Enjoy, and I hope you can catch up if you are behind!


Lord, open our ears so that we might hear the message You have for us through the book of Micah. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.


  1. Hello! I am so happy to have stumbled across your website! I know I will be joining in in the middle of this reading plan and I hope that is ok!!! I have been looking for a reading plan to follow and it sure woul be nice to have the "company" and a place to share thoughts, praise, etc!

  2. You can join any time or even start back at January 1, 2011. Whatever suits you! Welcome!

    1. Thank you for the welcome! I see that this weekend there is no reflection or application- is this the format for all weekend readings? On other days, am I welcome to just share a bit of my reflection/application in the comments section?

      I read last night that you are a part of the Navigators. I became a Christian in 2010 and since that time I have been so blessed by the Navigators website and books! I listen to messages from the Discipleship Library a lot and they have gotten me going on Scripture memorization. And now your website! So wonderful! Thanks again!

  3. Also wanted to ask out of curiosity what Bible version you read from? I use the Life Application Bible NASB- started using this last year and I have really enjoyed this Bible! Thanks!

  4. Yes, I used to be on staff with The Navigators and am still good friends with many of the staff. We are all one big happy family. SO EXCITED that you have found the Discipleship Library. Many of those people were speakers at the conferences I went to when a fairly new believer, and they are part of my grounding in the faith. Godly people!

    There isn't any pattern for reflection and application. Sometimes, I do not feel the Spirit leading me into anything. So, I make it a "free reading" day occasionally! People from the first cycle of the club (2008-2010) like those days so they could catch up! LOL!

    I read the New American Standard Bible, mostly. It is my study Bible. This is from years of doing Hebrew and Greek word studies. 9 times out of 10, the New American Standard Bible has the English translation that comes closest to the original language. I have read through the Bible in the New Living Translation, Living Bible, Message, and NIV before too, just for comparison and change, but I always come back to the NASB.

    I wish I had a Life Application Bible NASB! I got the NIV version at a used book store, and I love their succinct applications! They also have some very nice background things that I have incorporated into these posts (I reference it quite a bit). I use Logos Bible software that has many different study tools, and I put one side with that and the other with the post for the day. Here is what it all looks like:

    Keep commenting! I love this. Maybe Heather will also comment more if you do. She is in Wisconsin and writes me privately about things but doesn't post here much. :)

  5. I have just begun learning about doing word studies on my own- it is a lot of fun! I really like it! I have a lot to learn still but I have found that it has really enriched my personal study.

    I used the Chronological Bible (NLT) in 2010 and 2011 and read through the Bible- it was a really great way to begin my relationship with the Lord...this year I have kind of been all over the place and I have missed having a more structured approach. I also have wanted to focus a lot more on application- this was totally missing from my life the first year and then last year I began to see my error- the Navigators messages have helped me so much- especially those by Jim Downing, Jerry Bridges, and Warren and Ruth Myers.

    When I became a Christian, I began praying that God would stir in me a real passion for His Word and He has faithfully answered that prayer. It will be so nice to have someone to follow along with and discuss things with!

    I am in California- a stay at home mom to a soon to be 3 year old little girl. I get up early each day for Bible study- it is just so fun to me! My whole life has changed so much these past 2 1/2 years- A book I read called A Modern Girl's Guide to Bible Study helped to give me more confidence in studying the Word on my own- and Rick Warren's Bible Study Methods has helped too-

    I will keep posting and I hope Heather joins in too!! :)

  6. Oh- and I just added the Logos Bible software app to my iphone- can't wait to check it out more! I had been using Youversion- but Logos looks like it offers more Bible study tools- So far, for my word studies I have used the NASB with Strongs numbers online- then I go to Vine's Bible Study dictionary online but I have found I don't get very far... I think I might need something with a little bit better descriptions of the meaning of the original word- Vine's is pretty brief...

  7. Love Jim, Jerry, Warren, and Ruth! All part of my upbringing! Ruth has a lovely thing called "31 Days of Praise" that many people have loved. I have her Bible Studies when they were just copied sheets of paper handed out in her ministry in Singapore. She is awesome. I am not sure if she is still alive or not. So many are now gone. :(.

    Navigators are super into application, and I am SO THANKFUL! I cannot tell you how grateful I am for their early grounding in the Lord.

    The Vine's isn't great for the Old Testament, but it is very nice for the New.

    Here are some of my favorite "deeper" word study tools:


    The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament by Zodhiates (

    Theological Dictionary of the New Testament Abridged by Kittel (

    Old Testament:

    Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (

    I have the 2nd and 3rd on my LOGOS software and use them the most. I think Zodhiates is also with LOGOS now too. It wasn't when I bought the other two.

    I love some of the Greek definitions in Vine's. Check out the word for "Gentleness" Prautes. So beautiful in the Vine's!

    Also, here is a very nice website from Precept Austin (I am also a Precept Leader):

    Their extensive Greek word studies for key words are amazing. I am not sure what they have for Old Testament though. That is where the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (TWOT) really helps! It is my favorite, and I got the hard copies free from my church library because only three people had every checked them out, and the other two bought their own copies. LOL!

    I am certified BIBLE NERD, and it sounds like you are on your way too! It is very fun to study and APPLY Scripture! :)

  8. I so appreciate the study tool and website recommendations. I can't wait to check them out! I have spent some time on the Precept Austin site and it is great! I was doing research on the inductive Bible study method and found a lot of great information on their site.

    The first book I bought by Ruth Myers was A Treasury of Praise- I learned so much from it- I keep it with me for my quiet time and use it (along with a Trinity Hymnal) for praise and worship. Her other book A Perfect Love is one of my favorites and taught me so much about God's love for me and how I could come to Him to meet all my needs. Last month I did a Bible study I found online written by her on the sovereignty of God and it was very good. I do believe she and her husband have both gone on to be with the Lord...

    Yes, I do believe that I am on my way to being a certified Bible nerd- but that is fine with me because it is truly AWESOME!! :) It's fun to find other women to share in my nerdiness!

    Is the book by Vine's that you reference the Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words?

  9. There is one for the Old and New Testament, but the Old Testament words are limited. The TWOT is much better for that.

  10. I wonder what ever happened to Elizabeth who commented above.

    I am going to pray for the three Micahs we had in our training: Micahs H, L, and R!


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