Jeremiah 44 was given in 580 B.C., and he reminded them that destruction would come upon them because they had followed other gods and relied on them for their help. That destruction did come for them when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Egypt in 568 - 567 B.C.
The events in Jeremiah 45 are a repeat of what happened in Jeremiah 36:1-8:
This particular chapter adds "color" to this chapter by giving us a glimpse into Baruch's attitude. He was discouraged by the message, but the message to him was to not let his personal aspirations of greatness get in the way of God's purposeful judgment. His attitude should have been one of thankfulness for being spared the judgment. His eyes needed to be fixed on God.Jeremiah 36 - The ScrollThe events in Jeremiah 36 began in the fourth year of the reign of King Jehoiakim (605-604 B.C.). They happened before the events in Jeremiah 34 and 35.God wanted all the prophecies of Jeremiah written down and read in hopes that the people would hear about everything that Jeremiah had said was going to happen and repent. Baruch wrote them down, and it was read three times. The first time was on a fast day in the house of the Lord. At that time, fast days were only called in times of emergency. Babylon was destroying city after city. So, they were in an emergency mode. Micaiah, the grandson of Shaphan (the man who read the book of the Law to King Josiah in 2 Kings 22), was concerned and brought it to the king's house and read it the second time to the officials who trembled and went to the king. The third reading to the king was rejected, and the king cut the scroll and had it burned! Consequently, God had Jeremiah write another scroll with the addition of a special judgment against the disobedient king.
But you, are you
seeking great things for yourself?
Do not seek them.
(Jeremiah 45:5)
At one time or another in our lives, most of us have sought out personal gory. It is a hard habit to break when we are fleshly and self-centered human beings who feel like we deserve a pat on the back or a little applause now and then.
I have seen people more concerned with being published or well-known in Christian circles than having a heart set on devotion to the Lord. They were territorial about "their ministry" and were threatened and competitive with others around them. I have even seen some who have lied and slandered to maintain their "glorified status." God does not want us to see our own glory but to seek Him.
Sure, acclamation may come as a result of our seeking the Lord and being His vessel, but that acclamation will simply become material for sacrifice in praise and adoration of Him for the great things HE has done in us!
It is ALL about Him and not about us.
Are you seeking great things for yourself? “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).
It might be time to have a heart-to-heart talk to God about this.
Lord, "Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen!
Lord, "Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen!
Sigh. There have been many documentaries and news reports coming out about a very well-known church, known worldwide. Many of the leaders seem to have a lot of "personal ambition" and little humility. They sort of "lost the plot" in all their success as pastors and teachers. I am grieved.