
Friday, September 14, 2012

Lamentations 3 - God's Loyal Love

LINK: Lamentations 3


Lamentations 3 is 66 verses because it is a triple acrostic with three verses corresponding to each letter.

It is a positive interlude between the sin and suffering of Lamentations 1-2 and 4-5. It is hope amid affliction. Jeremiah assures his listeners that God does not afflict willingly but does it only for our good. In this time of judgment, the people could cling to the assurance that God had been faithful in the past and would be faithful in the future. God is a God of "loyal love" (Hesed in Hebrew). 


It is hard in times of darkness to see hope, isn't it?  My husband is facing a 20% cut in pay next month. We had already taken a 40% cut four years ago.

We went for a walk and prayed. I laughed to George that this would not be the first time we have had to live on less. We have been through so many job changes, and God has ALWAYS been faithful to provide each and every time. He will not leave us forsaken. We can recall His faithfulness in the past and know that He will be faithful in the future. 

Praise Him!


Lamentations 3:22-23 are key verses to memorize:

The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, 
For His compassions never fail. 
 They are new every morning; 
Great is Your faithfulness.

This is from the Topical Memory System. I recently found a nice little companion to help you in your memorizing of the verses from this great discipleship tool with meditations by Leroy Eims, one of my favorite people of faith: Discipleship Library Topical Memory System.  

Lamentations 3:22-23 is in the "C pack" of the Topical Memory System titled, "Rely on God Resources" and under the category of "His Faithfulness." Here is the particular meditation by Leroy Eims in a PDF and MP3

I heartily recommend listening to the MP3, it will encourage you today, and the MP3 is actually Leroy Eim's voice. I had breakfast with him once. He was a spry guy! Loved him!!!! A great hero of the faith!

2023 Update: Oh, my heart, that was so GOOD to listen to. What a memory to have breakfast with him. I was 22 or 23 years old. 


You are a God of great faithfulness. I praise You today that You will continue to be faithful in our lives. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my heart. Leroy Eims' voice. What a blessing and highlight of my day! God's loving kindness is real to me today after being a little "off" a couple of hours ago!


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