
Monday, October 15, 2012

Ezekiel 37 - "The Foot Bone's Connected to the Ankle Bone . . . "

LINK: Ezekiel 37


The Scarlet Thread of Redemption

Ezekiel's vision of the Valley of Dry Bones is a great summary of the whole book! The people in captivity were spiritually disconnected and dry. This was the valley of judgment because they did not turn and repent from their sins, but there would come a future day when they would become spiritually connected and God would breathe new life into them as they united under one King and as one nation (the two "sticks" of 37:15-17 are the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah). This would be both a spiritual and physical restoration, and the King would be the Messiah, Jesus. The Messiah was often called "David" (37:24) because he was David's descendant, but, unlike David, He would be a perfect King (Revelation 17:14; 19:16; 21:1ff).


The "word of the LORD" breathed life into this valley of dead, dry bones, and He can breathe life into our lives as well:
Of course, there’s a spiritual application in this vision for any individual or ministry that is in need of new life from God. Too often God’s people are like that standing army, lifelike but not alive. How does the life come? Through the Holy Spirit using the faithful proclamation of the Word of God. Said Charles Spurgeon, “Decayed churches can most certainly be revived by the preaching of the Word, accompanied by the coming of the heavenly breath from the four winds" (The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, vol. 10, 426). From time to time, in response to His people’s prayers, the Lord has seen fit to send a new “breath of life” to His church and His servants, and for that blessing we should be praying today. (Wiersbe, W. W. Be Reverent, p. 166)
Let's pray toward that end for all of us!


Let the song "Dry Bones" lead you into worship and prayer.

Lord, we thank You that Your Word is life to us, and You have given it to us in print, video, and audio form. We pray that You would breathe life into anyone who is reading this who is dry and disconnected. Would You draw them to Yourself by the Holy Spirit and through Your Word? We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.


  1. It was extremely interesting for me to read this article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.

  2. We call out to dry bones to come alive! I will often prayer walk and sing this song over my city.


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