
Friday, January 25, 2013

Matthew 25 - What Will You Do Before He Returns?

LINK: Matthew25


Jesus tells the parable of the . . .  

204. Ten bridesmaids: Matthew 25:1-13

This parable illustrates the warning to "be on the alert" because we do not know the day or the hour of His coming (Matthew 25:13). 

205. Loaned money: Matthew 25:14-30

This parable illustrates the admonition to "be faithful and wise" (Matthew 24:44-45). It teaches us how to live until He comes, investing all we have been given: our gifts, talents, abilities, time, money, and more until He returns. 

206. Jesus tells about the final judgment: Matthew 25:31-46

The Greek phrase ta ethnē can be translated as nation or people. Who you think these people are will depend on your belief about end times (see "Views of the Tribulation"); but again, let's be practical and see how this applies personally. 

The believers or obedient followers (sheep) will be separated from unbelievers or pretending believers (goats). Sheep and goats often grazed together but were separated for shearing of the sheep. There is also a picture of this in Ezekiel 34:17-24. 

The real evidence of our belief in Jesus will be manifested in how we live our lives and respond to the needs around us (Isaiah 58:7 - my pastor just preached on this yesterday!). The sheep will go to eternity in the kingdom of God and the goats will be judged and condemned to eternal punishment. 


Do you live out your faith?  Evaluate your life in giving to the "least of these."

My pastor just gave a sermon on Isaiah 58:1-11. Meditate on this passage.  Also, he recommended reading The Hole in the Gospel.

Book Jacket

What will you be doing for the "least of these" in the next week?


Open our eyes, Lord, to the needs around us and show us where we can invest our time, talents, and treasure for Your glory. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I will reach out to a friend in need this week. It became apparent on Monday that this person needs some TLC.


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