
Monday, June 10, 2013

2 Corinthians 2 - Truth in Love and Fragrant Aromas

LINK: 2 Corinthians 2


in 2 Corinthians 2:1-4, Paul continues the subject he started in 2 Corinthians 1, the defense of his change in plans. He planned to visit, but he wrote a letter that caused them sorrow (7:8, 9). This is not 1 Corinthians but a letter between the time of 1 and 2 Corinthians, which is believed to be about a year. It caused them sorrow because he spoke the truth to them in love! 

In 2:5-11, Paul addresses forgiving the man who had been punished by the church but repented. I wonder if it was the same man Paul talked about in 1 Corinthians 5. It is hard to forgive, accept, and comfort, but church discipline is all about the hopeful restoration of fellowship! It doesn't always go that way and can feel like condemnation and rejection. 

In 2:12-17, Paul expresses that despite the detours and disappointments, God was sovereign, in control, and would lead him. When he expressed that God would lead him in "triumph in Christ" in verse 2:14, he is alluding to the tribute given to Roman generals after they had won a victory that had killed at least 5,000 enemy soldiers and gained new territory. The "Roman Triumph" was a processional with the commander riding in a golden chariot with his soldiers, sons, and prisoners of war parading behind. The priests would also be there burning incense to the gods. The aroma of the incense was the smell of death to the prisoners but life and victory to the soldiers and sons. Jesus was the great general who came to a new territory (earth) and defeated the enemy (Satan)!  We are the sons who smell the sweet aroma of victory. Non-believers smell only death and defeat.  

He concluded the chapter by defending his character by saying his motives in ministry were pure!


I can so relate to Paul! I have gotten the, "You hurt me by your rebuke" defense before. It does not matter how much I pray for it beforehand and deliver it most lovingly, the truth often hurts! (By this, I want to say that I rarely do this.)

Then you have people like my mother-in-law. I have only had to confront her about something once, but she jumped right out of her chair and kissed me on the forehead, and said, "Thank you so much! I had no idea I was doing that!" Then she proceeded to tell my husband, every time they were on the phone for the next year, how thankful she was that I said something to her! You have to love a woman like that!

Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy."  My best friends are the ones who speak the truth to me in love.


How receptive are you to "faithful wounds"?

How much do you speak the truth in love when you know your friends (and family) are making bad choices?  Do you ignore doing it because of fear?

Are you more concerned about being well-liked than the welfare of your loved one? 

When you do speak the truth, do you do it out of frustration and anger or out of love? 


Lord, teach us to speak the truth in love. Teach us to accept the truth with grace. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I could have read this three days ago, and it would have been a very long time since I had to speak the truth in love. I am encountering someone who has so much conflict in her life, but she doesn't see that she is the common denominator in all of them. I'm praying and this post convicts me to have a long talk with God about it. I feel such fear. I call this feeling "squishy." This person makes me feel this way sometimes. Sigh.


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