LINK: 1 Thessalonians 4
Chapters 4 and 5 contain practical instructions and exhortations for the Thessalonians. I will only discuss 4:1-12 today because the topic of the Day of the Lord goes from 4:13-5:11. So I will post about that tomorrow.
They were living well, but Paul exhorted them to "excel still more" and complete what was lacking in their faith (3:10) in two areas: sexual purity and love for their brothers.
Sexual purity was a big issue. The Roman Empire and Gentile population of the day had very low sexual standards. Believers were to go against the morals of the society and walk in holiness. That could not be more true today where people who do not have sex out of marriage are looked on with astonishment and scorn. People cannot believe anyone could not have sex (Once, I had a friend say it is a necessary thing, like food and water.), but we are empowered to live a holy life by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
He also exhorts them to love their brothers still more and more. He exhorted them to strive to be at peace with God and others by leading a quiet life, minding their own business, and working with their hands. The Greek word for "quiet" does not mean less noisy but less frantic. Some in Thessalonica had become idle because they thought the day of the Lord was coming at any time and they saw no need to work. This obviously led to some strife among brothers.
Lord, empower us by Your Holy Spirit to live holy lives and protect us and those we love from sexual temptation. Help us to excel in loving others from the heart. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
I feel like I am being challenged in such a GOOD WAY to "excel still more" lately!