Jude was the brother of Jesus and James. He wrote this letter in about A.D. 65 to warn Jewish Christians and all who believe everywhere about the danger of false teaching by exhorting them to contend for the faith, remember the teachings of the apostles, build themselves up in their faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, and be merciful to those who doubted.
He used examples of apostates in the past from Egypt, angels, and Sodom and Gomorrah. He said the actions of the apostates of the present were that they:
He concluded by stating that the victory over apostasy was found in Jesus Christ. Jesus would keep them from stumbling.
- Rejected authority (8-10)
- Walked in error (11)
- Led falsely (12-13)
- Pleased themselves (14-16)
Structuring is also a very good way to look at this book.
is a tool or a process that allows you to see the logical flow of thought in
any passage, chapter, or book. It should allow you to see at a glance the
primary elements of a passage and to see how the supporting thoughts relate to
the complete thoughts. As a result, you will be able to more easily identify
the context of the book you are studying, the author’s purpose for writing the
book, and the theme of the book. Keep in mind that the process of structuring
is only a tool and not the end result itself; it is a tool to use to help you
know truth for yourself. (Precept Upon Precept, Jude, p. 57)
There is an example of structuring for the book o Jude on p. 59-71 of this document. If they ever retire the link, you can find it here.
With today's shifting culture, it is so good to know what God's Word says about who Jesus is and stand firm in it!
One year, I led a class where I had speakers come in to teach basic doctrine. They had students read page after page of systematic theology books. Why not just look at the Bible to learn who Jesus is?
If you have been reading from Genesis to Revelation, you have probably learned more than you could have learned in any systematic theology class.
One year, I led a class where I had speakers come in to teach basic doctrine. They had students read page after page of systematic theology books. Why not just look at the Bible to learn who Jesus is?
If you have been reading from Genesis to Revelation, you have probably learned more than you could have learned in any systematic theology class.
Sometimes reading through the Bible might be a bit much for younger kids. We did Discipleship Essentials with our kids, and we had great discussions through it.
I know some of you are fathers who are reading this (because your wives have told me). This would be a really great book to do with your family for your devotional time. Moms can do it too! If you do not have kids (or they are too young - I suggest a more mature middle school age and above), get two friends together for a brick-laying or brick-checking group! It may seem really elementary to some of you, but the topics covered in this book are foundational, and sometimes we need to go back to our foundations and make sure our bricks are not rotting. That is why I disciple: to check my bricks!
I know some of you are fathers who are reading this (because your wives have told me). This would be a really great book to do with your family for your devotional time. Moms can do it too! If you do not have kids (or they are too young - I suggest a more mature middle school age and above), get two friends together for a brick-laying or brick-checking group! It may seem really elementary to some of you, but the topics covered in this book are foundational, and sometimes we need to go back to our foundations and make sure our bricks are not rotting. That is why I disciple: to check my bricks!
Here is the Table of Contents:
Part One: Growing Up in Christ
1) Making Disciples
2) Being a Disciple
3) Quiet Time
4) Bible Study
5) Prayer
6) Worship
Part Two: Understanding the Message of Christ (doctrine)
7) The Three-Person God
8) Made in God's Image
9) Sin
10) Grace
11) Redemption
12) Justification
13) Adoption
Part Three: Becoming Like Christ
14) Filled with the Holy Spirit
15) Fruit of the Holy Spirit
16) Trust
17) Love
18) Justice
19) Witness
Part Four: Serving Christ
20) The Church
21) Ministry Gifts
22) Spiritual Warfare
23) Walking in Obedience
24) Sharing the Wealth
25) Money
Part One: Growing Up in Christ
1) Making Disciples
2) Being a Disciple
3) Quiet Time
4) Bible Study
5) Prayer
6) Worship
Part Two: Understanding the Message of Christ (doctrine)
7) The Three-Person God
8) Made in God's Image
9) Sin
10) Grace
11) Redemption
12) Justification
13) Adoption
Part Three: Becoming Like Christ
14) Filled with the Holy Spirit
15) Fruit of the Holy Spirit
16) Trust
17) Love
18) Justice
19) Witness
Part Four: Serving Christ
20) The Church
21) Ministry Gifts
22) Spiritual Warfare
23) Walking in Obedience
24) Sharing the Wealth
25) Money
2023 Update: Right before I went back through all the posts for the Bible Book Club, I went through this devotional book and loved it: The Reservoir. Click on the link, and you can get a sample of the first month. If they ever retire the link, you can download the sample here. It is topical and covers so much of what Disciple Essentials does.
Lord, establish us in Your Word. Help us to know what we believe and why we believe it so that we can stand firm against false teaching. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Help us to accurately handle your word, Lord.